weird shit you do based off of weird shit I do

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start talking and physically cannot form the rest of ur sentence and literally have to take a step back and restart what you were saying


grabby hands when you want somethin

-hello apparently im 3


laying on like ur back or sorta propped up on ur back and just like yeET ur leg back into a split position

I mean he doesn't mind

easy access


peel the skin off ur thumb

the inside of my right thumb just looks like one huge burn mark


stand with ur shoulders slanted

this pisses off my gramma


violently jerk at random times

I don't mean to I just do it

and its not even ur entire body

just ur hands and sometimes ur legs


go into what my sister likes to call 'robo modo'

lik robot mode

ya just

don't move

or talk

or blink

youre just kinda there lmao

hi have this piece of shit writing

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