Welcum bac to fuckin disney channel

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innocent/childlike reader
Cuz uhm
Yeah why not I'm bored

•l i s t e n
•you and Finn have been best friends since the first season of st
      -for a little background, you play a (also very innocent) girl who escaped with El, u gots these fuckin weird ass elemental powers or whatever u fckin want
•you two are veryy close
•and like you've been close since s1 like I said
•like back then you guys would always be seen together and you'd never leave each others side
•and n o w
•so fans have made a few compilation videos of u guys being cute
•and one night a while ago (4 ish months maybe) Finn is just scrolling through them
•it's like 1 am and he's just fuckin bored ok
•and so nothing really changes how he feels towards you
•in one of the videos there's a clip of you talking about Finn at an award show (that he wasn't invited to Oop)
     -an interviewer asked ab ur relationship with finn
•and in ur cute lil fuckin baby voice u said
•'yeah yeah he's like, my everything. hes always there for me and i really don't know what id do without him. i wish he was here tonight!'
•and he felt his heart go whoosh
•and in his head he was immediately like
•'ah shit'
•so flash forward to morning a few months later (present day)
•he wakes u up cuz he knows if ur not woken up u will not get out of bed
•u guys have a a panel at comic con today and boy oh fuckin boy did you not wanna dress up just to sit ur ass down on a chair for hours
•so naturally
     -while Finn is changing and brushing his teeth and stuff
•you look through his closet and grab one of his red sweaters and a pair of his jeans
•when I say oversized I mean over fucking sized
•he walks out and sees u in that and his heart just melts
•he like
•"oh my god this is a baby a whole baby and she's my baby I love her so much whY THE HELL IS SHE HOLDING A KNIFE Y/N PUT THAT DOWN"
•you fount his pocket knife
•after that he decides he will not be leaving ur side for the rest of the day
     -he never does anyway
•so u guys walk out of the hotel room and down to the lobby to meet up with the rest of the cast
•Noah likes to piss off Finn
•Noah saw you and Finn
•Noah saw an opportunity
•Noah gave you a big ol smooch right next to ur mouth
•Noah felt his soul die when he saw the look on Finns face
•Finn made you sit on his lap after that
•gotta show everyone that his girl who isn't actually his girl iS HIS GIRL
•u and he were in the car (u still on his lap) aND OH LOOK A SPEEDBUMP
•future Court don't forget to delete that
•you get to the con and Finn fuckin yeets to the bathroom and ur like 'wait no Finn come back' and Millies trying to distract u and make sure u don't run off so she's like 'HEY u want some food' and u just fuckin Yeet to the cafeteria wiTH NO WARNING
•Millie screeches and runs after u
•the only thought in her head rn is "how does Finn deal with her"
     -don't worry she really loves you, like, really loves you
•ur only thought is "GOTTA GO FAST"
•so u and Millie are in the cafeteria
•She let's u pick out ur food and such
•It's all happy u guys eat and talk and oh look •Millie is a lot closer than she was earlier
•Finn busts in like NO
•Poor Y/N is so fucking confused
•So Finn and Millie argue for a bit while u eat the rest of Millies food cuz u big fuckin hungry
•So small timeskip to the starting of the panel
•Ur between Finn and Millie
•You get tired and scoot ur chair closer to Millie so u can lean on her (and eventually end up on her lap)
•Finn feels sO BETRAYED
•So u end up falling asleep on Millie right
•Finn is like what the fuck
•The fans are screaming cuz oh FUCK it's their main ship look at them fucking GO
Millie smugly looks at Finn it's hilarious
•Sorry there's so many time skips I'm just lazy
•Anyway timeskip to after the con
•The fans didn't ask u anymore questions so u could sleep
•And when ur all back to the hotel Millie is trying to carry u into her room and Finn is like WOAH WOAH WOAH WHAT DO U THINK UR DOING
•Millie hears him and is like SHIT and just bolts into her room leaving the bags and shit
•Meh Sadie can bring them in later
•Finn is pissed
•U wake up and are s o confused
•"Where am i what's happening"
•As well as "mommy?"
•Millie go wOOOOOOOOO
•future court delete that as well
•So u see Millie and are like "ahhhhhhh I know where I am! Home!"
•Yes yes Millie is ur home good job
•You thought this was a Finn x reader? HAH
•So Millie changes u and gets u comfy and u guys watch movies together
•It's cute and pure
•Sadie comes in
•She's so happy to see u guys together cuz fUCK she ships it
•And at the end of lion king she asks you to be her girlfriend
•You say yes
•Ugh I'm tired so that's all thank u and goodnight

IT cast preferencesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang