Chapter 19

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"What in the world are you talking about!" Zach stepped into the elevator. We were back to New York and we now had to report to his father.

"I'm saying that kiss was a mistake and that I'm sorry it happened." I whispered to him. "So please just forget it."

"Here's the thing Amira." Zach fixed his jacket as he ran a hand through his hair cockily. "You can't take back kisses."

I glared at him. "I can." I gritted.

"Well I can't." He snubbed. "And I'm pretty sure you liked my kiss."

"Zach!" I smacked his shoulder.

Zach moved away. "What! You like me." He poked my arm. "Admit it."

" I don't." I felt guilty saying this and I didn't know why.

Zach spun around pinning me to the elevator wall, inching closer. I could feel his warm inviting breath on my neck causing shivers to run up and down my spine. "You can't resist me for long Amira. Even if you fight it now." He whispered. His scent of musk and sweetness hit my nostrils in the most intoxicating way.

His lips lingered around my neck and he rose his hand to softly caress my neck with his index finger. His soft touch alarmed my body bringing me back to the way he kissed me the other day as he had steadied my neck with his hands.

I felt aloof for a moment before realizing that there cameras in this elevator. I quickly pushed Zach off of me and rubbed my hands on my skirt.

"We're almost at the floor." I cleared my throat avoiding his intense stare and looking straight ahead at the rose gold door hoping it'd open any second.

When it did I quickly leapt out feeling free of the feelings and heat that was in the elevator. I turned to Zach who was looking at me.

"Hurry up!" I waved my hands at him.

"No." He quickly pressed another button on the elevator and stuck out his tongue as the door began to close.

I quickly reacted and placed my foot at the door. "Not today Zach." I walked into the elevator and grabbed his hand. "Let's go."

Zach didn't mine that at all. He quickly grasped harder and instead lead me to the conference room. I tried to let go of his hand by thrashing around my arm but nothing worked.

"Zach!" I hissed right before the doorman opened the Conference room.

Zach luckily finally let go and he fixed his jacket. He smiled widely and charmingly at the room full of men. "Hello ladies." He winked as he walked up to the podium. Everyone glared at him especially his father who was now also glaring at me. 

I almost died. I wished the ground would right now swallow me up.


"Cocky are we!" His father yelled throwing some random folders at Zach.

"I honestly thought I saw a couple of ladies." He replied. "My mistake."

I shook my head as I saw the false authenticity of his statement.

"You're glad that they liked your presentation and successful trip." His father relaxed. "Otherwise I would have disowned you."

Zach looked at his fingernails cockily. He smirked. "Well that's great."

His father looked at me. "I'm giving you a raise. You did very well." He smiled while nodding his head at me.

I smiled. "Thank you."


I breathed as me and Zach walked out his fathers office. "I thought he was going to fire me."

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