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Ben was walking all over campus looking for Mal. Audrey was at his side and she had the hugest grin on her face. He knew exactly what Mal would do when he told her that he was breaking up with her for Audrey. She'd accuse Audrey of spelling him or tricking him into loving her again. But this time she was wrong. Mal didn't seem to have the passion for Auradon that Audrey had. She seemed to like physical activities and hanging out with her friends more than she wanted to be with Ben, but that wasn't her fault. He always told her she couldn't come with him to meetings even though she wanted to and her face was telling him that she really wanted to. "There!" Audrey pointed through the crowd at the four Villian Kids across the lawn laughing. 

No one was with them, as everyone else had class when they didn't. "What do you think they're laughing at?" Audrey asked feeling the butterfly's in her stomach. "I don't know." Ben said gripping Audrey's hand behind her back. Audrey smiled and her parents came to stand beside them and Queen Leah on Ben's side. They almost reached Mal, Jay, Carlos, and Evie when all four of them burst out into laughter again. "Oh yeah? I'll prove it!" Carlos yelled and he bowed in front of Mal. Mal giggled and she bowed right back at him. Carlos took her hand and he started spinning her around the little cemented platform they were standing on. Evie stopped laughing as she went over to Jay. "Oh yeah?" Evie said. "Try it then!" Carlos called out as he dipped Mal and pulled her back up. They had practiced this together for years and Jay and Evie had always told them they were bluffing. It was good for Carlos that Mal was shorter than him by 7 inches. 

Mal and Carlos stopped for a minute to watch Jay and Evie try to do what Mal and Carlos had just done. When they failed, Mal and Carlos tried their hardest not to burst out laughing. When Evie couldn't hit the low dip Mal snorted a bit. Evie glared at her, but she knew Mal didn't really mean it. "Would you like us to show you?" Carlos asked and Evie nodded. Jay was hesitent until Mal hit his shoulder. "Come on prettyboy. You can be not so manly once in a while. A lot of manly men dance." Mal said staring up into his eyes. Jay laughed at her trying to hit the back of his head. He was almost a foot taller than her and she finally reached him and she swiped the beanie off his head. "Hey!" Jay protested and he was about to pull her off the ground when Ben cleared his throat. "Mal, can we talk to you? Alone?" Ben asked chewing his lip. Mal's smile didn't waver once as she nodded her head. Jay snuck up behind her and jumper cabled her making her jump almost 4 feet in the air. Jay laughed and Mal turned around and glared at him. Jay acted all innocent as he whistled. Mal smirked as she secretly climbed onto the picnic table and she jumped onto back pulling his blood red beanie over his face. "Mal, please." Ben said. "Sorry Jay." She muttered before putting Jay's beanie back in place and straighting his hair. "Thank you. Apology accepted." Jay teased and poked her side again. 

She was about to smack his hand away when Phillip glared at the both of them. "Sorry. That wasn't very formal of me. What did you need to talk to me about?" Mal asked as all three of her best friends walked back into the building to the dorms. "Mal, there's something I need to tell you." Ben said nervously. "Yes?" Mal asked in confusion. Ben waited until he saw the three other Vk's shut the door to the dorms. "Mal, I'm breaking up with you." Ben said quickly. Mal didn't react for a few moments before her face crumpled and her stomach sucked in like she had been punched. She shut her eyes and willed herself not to cry. She took a deep breath in, and she looked into Ben's eyes. "Did you say, you're breaking up with me?" She asked quietly and Ben nodded. When she looked up into the clouds and back down, she saw Audrey's whole family glaring at her. Mal felt overwhelmed. They reminded her of her mother. Mal started hyperventiling and she felt stupid when a tear escaped her eyes and fell to the ground. 

Ben saw her and he reached out to her. She jerked away from him and stared at him shaking her head. "Please don't touch me." She whimpered, before turning and starting to walk away. Ben put an arm around her wrist and she jumped like she'd been burned. She yanked her arm away and shook her head again. "Don't." She said trying to sound strong, but another tear fell from her eyes, and she couldn't hold them back anymore. All the tears that had built up in her eyes fell and Audrey and her whole family saw. She thought she saw remorse in their eyes but that was gone in a moment when Audrey took Ben's hand. Mal made a strangled sound and she turned and fled. Ben was shocked. Mal never reacted to anything like this. What was wrong? Had he done something wrong? Had he hurt her while touching her wrist? She was running away at almost a heaping 50 miles an hour and Ben felt sad. He took Audrey's hand and pulled her with him, and his whole group went after her, to see what would happen. 

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