Hello? Anyone in there?

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"That's terrible." Fairy Godmother said. Mal started shaking again and the screams started again. Jay pressed her into his chest to muffle the screams. "You haven't seen the scars. You haven't seen the starvation. Coming to Auradon saved Mal's life. That's why she loved Ben so much besides his kindness. She felt protected by him and she loved him. I don't think he realizes what goes on inside that stupid Island. It's the original villians that harm their kids and it's only a select few. For instance, Maleficent. She's the nastiest one out there." Jay said. "Mal, how much did she hurt you?" Fairy Godmother asked. Mal slowly reached out and she pulled up the sleeve of her shirt. It was crisscrossed in scars that were in all different forms and patterns that dotted her skin. Belle gasped and Mal let her sleeve fall. She curled back into Jay and Jay held her tightly again. 

"If I ever see that woman and those two men again, god knows what will happen." Jay spit out again. "What else happened on the Isle of the Lost?" Belle asked hesitantly. Beast grasped her hand and Jay sucked in a breath. "Gangs, beatings, assult, harrasment, bullying, pollution, starvation, and of course, sexual assult, suicide, and depression." Jay said. Mal let out another whimper and Jay nodded. "You can understand her?" Beast asked and Jay nodded. "I've learned over the many many years of living on the Isle. The Isle is not a good place to live." Jay said glaring at Ben. "Why are you glaring at Ben like that?" Belle asked. "Because he pierced a knife through her heart by dumping her for that little german princess." "Wrong country." Audrey muttered. "Oh, I'm sorry. Does it look like I care?" Jay shouted and Mal put a hand on his chest and shook her head a bit. Jay nodded at her and he turned back to Fairy Godmother. "I hardly doubt Mal will show up to classes tomorrow as well as me. Also, Ben, Phillip, you want to know how that so called shattering blow against the wall didn't break my back. It's because I'm so used to being slammed against walls you wouldn't imagine." "Jay, Mal, Carlos, and Evie, I think we should talk more about this Isle stuff in the morning." Fairy Godmother said. Mal shook her head and whimpered. Jay whispered in her ear, "Don't worry my Baby Dragon, we'll be with you. You won't be alone." 

Mal nestled into Jay and tried to think about anything. Anything that wasn't her mom or the Isle. She finally settled on thinking about her happy times which were limited. So she thought about her one truely happy moment, the day before her brother dissapeared. Zevon, Mal's older brother was 16 when he dissapeared. She had been 5 at the time and she remembered the day he dissapeared mysteriously. The visions ran through her head and she felt like they were playing right in front of her on a huge movie screen. 

She saw the 5 year old Mal holding onto Zevon's leg and pleading for him not to leave. "Mal, I'm sorry. I have to leave. I can't live here anymore knowing I can't grow and wither. I'm sorry, but I have to go." "Take me wif you then!" Mal pleaded looking up at her brother with puppy dog eyes and holding his leg tighter. "Mal, you still have many years to live here. You like it here better than I do. You can function here. I'm leaving. I'm going to another place. It's full of nice people and that's where I'll be accepted. Mal, people will laugh at you for your looks. You're the most beautiful person on the planet but they won't understand that. They'll make fun of you. You won't be safe there.You're safe here Mal. No one will hurt you since you're Maleficent's daughter. Goodbye Mal." Zevon said kissing her forehead before pulling her off his leg and dashing outside. Young Mal started screaming and her mother smiled as she saw Mal screaming. "You're learning little one. But this is only the start of the pain." Maleficent said. Mal's flashback ended and she gasped as she came back to reality. 

"Mal?" Jay asked softly. As the wheels in her brain were turning she came to realize that she was still in the spotlight and everyone was watching her still. Mal swallowed and she looked up at Jay. He was the only one that knew about Zevon. Mal's eyes widdened once she figured out what had happened to Zevon. "He came to Auradon." She said. Jay kept soothing her and he nodded figuring out she had solved where Zevon went. "He's out there somewhere." Jay said and he kissed her forehead. Mal started crying again and Jay said, "What's wrong?" "That was the last thing he did before he ran out of my life forever." Mal said and she collapsed once again. "What's going on?" Belle asked knealing down next to Fairy Godmother. "It's a personal issue." "So is getting beaten by her own mother." Fairy Godmother pointed out. "That's true." Fairy Godmother looked at Mal who wasn't crying as hard anymore who was picking at a loose thread in Jay's shirt. "Mal? Can you tell me what's wrong?" She asked. Mal struggled to get out of Jay's grip to stand up. She wiggled around till she slipped under Jay's arms and she hurried over to where Beast was standing. 

She pointed her finger up at him and said, "You up there, 11 years ago, there was a kid that came over from the Isle. At least one." "Yes. A couple of them were brought over secretly to do some testing and working." "How many were there?" She asked. "4. Two boys and two girls all the same age, 16." Mal looked back and Jay and he nodded. "Who were their parents?" "The two girls were daughters of Anastasia Tremaine, and one of the boys was a son of Shan Yu." "What about the other boy?" Mal asked. "We never found out. He was so mysterious and secretive. He showed up to Auradon Prep and refused to talk to anybody. He seemed so bitter. He even attacked Aurora on Family after insulting someone. We never figured out who the fight was about." "What happened to him?" Mal asked. "He was sent to prison far away from here where no one could find him." 

Mal's knees buckled and Jay was already there to catch her. "I'm not following here." Ben said. "Me either." Beast said. "That boy, the one that got sent to prison and was so mysterious, that fight was about Mal. Back on the Isle, Mal could hear some conversations if they were important enough and that fight with Aurora was one of them. His name is Zevon." "Who is he?" Beast asked. "The Son of Maleficent and Dr. Facilier, full blood relation to Mal. Zevon, he's Mal older brother by 10 years. He dissepeared off the Isle one day when Mal was 5, and we just figured out that he came here to try and protect her. Zevon, Mal's the only thing he loves in the world because he doesn't know how to love. No one ever taught him or thinks about teaching him. It's not common, for people not to love anything but one thing. Maleficent tried to push him out of her head because she was discusted that he had stayed in Auradon." "But that didn't work." Belle said. "Exactly." Mal stared straight ahead out of the one window in Jay's room. "I'll find you Zevon. Together, we'll make mom pay. We'll show her who's boss. I wish you hadn't left. I'll find you and I'll show you how to love. I'll find you if it's the last thing I do." Mal vowed. She whispered it and Jay was the only one to hear it. 

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