The Truth

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The next morning, Mal woke up and sat up. She looked around and she blushed thinking about last night. She quickly took a shower and put on fresh clothes. She felt a little better, but she didn't want to face Audrey and her gang. Jay woke up after her and he settled his chin on her shoulder. Mal smiled seeing his face and Jay wrapped his arms around her waist. "Do we have to go to school?" He asked her nuzzling her the back of her neck. "As much as I don't want to, we should. Otherwise other villian kids won't be able to have the chance to escape their parents." Mal said brushing her hair back gently. 

"Fine." Jay said and he went into the shower. Mal got her school stuff together and Carlos and Evie came in. "Hey guys." Mal said with a smile on her face. Evie put a hand on her best friend's forehead. "Who are you and what have you done with Mal?" Evie asked. Mal laughed, "I'm just happy I guess." She said widening her smile. "This is something I can't believe I'm seeing." Evie said grinning. She hugged Mal and she was surprised when Mal hugged her back. Jay got out of the bathroom singing and he turned red when he saw Evie and Carlos there with Mal. Mal smiled and she hugged Jay and leaned her head into his chest. "Time for breakfast? Anyone else hungry?" Carlos asked picking up his school stuff. Evie, Mal, and Jay nodded and the four of them headed down to breakfast. 

They got breakfast and Mal kept a smile on her face the whole time despite the fact that she could've died not that long ago. Ben asked her if she was okay and Jay had to elbow her in the stomagh for her to notice Ben. "Sorry. Yes I'm fine. Thanks for asking." She said. Jay wrapped his arm around her again and she stole a strawberry off his plate. "Hey!" He complained and Mal grinned. "I'm hungry!" She complained. He pecked her nose and Carlos and Evie smiled at each other. "Now we know why Mal's so happy." Carlos said wiggling his eyebrows up and down. Evie laughed and smacked his shoulder. 

Audrey and her posse came into the lunchroom and she came storming right to Mal's table. Mal was poking Jay with a strawberry and Jay was laughing as he kept batting her hand away. Finally when Audrey slammed her hands onto the table, Mal dropped the strawberry out of surprise. "What did you do to Zevon?" Audrey screamed. "I didn't do nothing. For all I know, he's always been with you." While they were talking Jay picked up a strawberry off his plate and poked Mal in the cheek with it and she almost jumped 10 feet in the air. She put a hand to her face and turned her head to glare to Jay. Jay put on the picture of inosence on his face as he whistled and ate the strawberry. Mal shoved him a bit so he almost slid off the bench and Jay grinned as she snatched his beanie. He took it back and Audrey realized what going on.

"Wait, are you guys...are you guys dating?" She asked and Evie and Carlos turned towards Mal and Jay as well as Audrey and her posse and Ben. Mal's face turned a bright shade of red and Jay didn't say anything as he ate more of his breakfast. "Well?" Audrey asked glaring into Mal's eyes. Mal rolled her eyes at Audrey and Jay folded her hand in his rough callosused hand. "It's a long story." Jay said. "What's this about Zevon?" Ben asked Audrey. "I woke up this morning, and there was a pile of something left on his bed. Jane and Doug told me it was ashes." Mal's mouth dropped open. She started shaking, and so did her head. "No. That can't be possible." 

"Mal?" Audrey asked. "Are you sure it's ashes?" Mal asked trying to stay calm. When Audrey nodded Mal just about exploded. She practically started sprinting out of the room, and everyone followed her at a much slower pace. They followed her back to her room, where she had her spellbook in her hands and tears streaming down her face. The tiny lizard known as Maleficent was sitting in the tank at eye level with Mal. Maleficent stared right into Mal's eyes. "Mom, I know you probably have every reason to hate me, and I don't blame me, but your son's in danger. Someone killed him and took his place, and I wanted to ask you if you would help me. Mom, please help me get him back no matter what it takes. Take me instead. Get Zevon back and use me as the sacrifice. I don't care how painful it is for anyone, my life is good as dead anyways. Please help me mom. I just want to help Zevon. Please mom." Mal said and rested her forehead against the tank, and so did Maleficent against the other side of the glass. 

And Maleficent nodded agreeing to her daughter's pleas. It was too late by the time everyone else got to Mal's room. 

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