The Real Zevon

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Everyone swarmed around Mal as she layed there on the floor. She was breathing rapidly and her mom was pressed up against the glass. "Do it." She said and Maleficent didn't want to, but it was Mal's choice to save her brother. Jay knelt next to Mal griping her hand. She looked up at him and said, "It's the only way to save him, and I'm all for it. I just can't live like this anymore. So it works out for all of us." Mal said and she writhed in pain. She looked over across the room, and she saw Zevon's feet being formed. She couldn't feel her feet and she looked into her mother's eyes. Mal nodded to her and it tortured Maleficent to see this along with all of Mal's friends. "Does this mean you're going to die?" Evie asked and Mal nodded. 

"There's a 99% chance I'll die from this, and I really don't care if I die. If I die, I die knowning I have three loving best friends and that I saved by brother that will get Audrey when he's alive." Mal said and writhed again in pain. Now Zevon was formed up to his waist and Mal couldn't feel her waist. The life was being sucked out of her body and giving it to Zevon for a form to live with. When all the life except for her head was drained Maleficent had summoned Fairy Godmother to save her daughter if she couldn't. Sure enough, when Zevon was fully formed, Mal said a goodbye as Jay kissed her forehead, and she died. 

Maleficent turned her focus immediatly to Zevon. "Help me!" She cried out to him and Zevon glared at her. "Not for me! For Mal!" She cried and Zevon sprang forward. He made everyone surrounding her leave and Fairy Godmother came in to help as well. "Kids go to class. Every single one of you." Fairy Godmother instructed. Jay lingered in the doorway, but Ben started to pull him away. "But-" Jay protested and Ben cut him off. "Try not to worry about her. She's got three sources in there with powerful magic. She'll be safe." Ben said and Jay let him drag him away to class. When school was over, no one was allowed inside of Mal's room and they could hear the sound of spells being casted and held in place. "At least her head is reserected. We need to get her heart." Fairy Godmother said. 

So everyone flooded to Jay's room. Carlos tried to keep everyone else out, but it didn't work. "No! Go to someone else's room!" Carlos said, but they flooded in to see Jay against the wall staring off into space. "Jay?" Everyone asked. He didn't answer and Carlos stood over him, standing his ground. "Please get out. You can't be here right now!" Carlos exclaimed and everyone left except Evie. "What's going on?" She asked looking at Carlos. Carlos pulled her across the room and he leaned in to whisper, "Jay thinks Mal will be dead forever." "WHAT?" Evie screamed and that's when the tears started running. "Jay?" Evie and Carlos asked him softly. They tried to hug him, but he shoved their hands off. "No. I can't think about this. I'm going out for a bit." Jay said running his hand across his face. He tried so hard not to cry, but the tears kept running down his face faster and harder as he ran through Auradon Prep, not caring that Fairy Godmother called after him multiple times. 

He reached his destination and started climbing instantly to the roof. He sat in the middle of the highest point of Auradon Prep, and let his tears fall. He started ranting to the sky, hoping someone up there would hear him and end the suffering. "Why does everything always happen to her?" He called up before he let out a surprising sob, and he fell back against the building. The next morning, Carlos and Evie went to Evie's dorm, and weren't let in. A boy in black leather known as Zevon gave Evie a change of her clothes and she changed in Carlos's room. "How's Mal?" Carlos asked him as he and Zevon were left outside his dorm. "Not too good. I heard Jay's not taking it too well." Zevon said and Carlos nodded. "He ran out last night and we haven't seen him since." "I'll help you find him if I get a chance. I'm going back to Mal in a bit. I just came out to grab breakfast really quick." Zevon said. 

He grabbed breakfast and wolfed it down in five minutes. He brought some back to Fairy Godmother and Maleficent and they got back to work. Jay still hadn't been found, and no one noticed him on the roof. Several days later, Mal was resurected. The first thing she did was look around. "Where's Jay?" She asked. "Mal, let's get you to bed. You need to rest to stay intact." Maleficent said shuffling Mal over to her bed. "Where's Jay?" Mal asked again and her knees buckled as she realized why they weren't answering her. "He's not dead is he?" She asked fearfully. "No child! Jay isn't missing, he's just not wanting to be found." Fairy Godmother said. "You mean no one's seen him for a while?" Mal asked and her fear trippled when she saw her mom nod. She shook out of the arms that were holding her and she bolted out the opened door where Carlos and Evie were waiting with Zevon. "Mal!" Zevon yelled but she kept going. "She's really going to kill herself if she keeps this behavior up." He said under his breath. They took off after her, and they saw her scaling the side of Auradon Prep. 

"Mal! Get down here this instant!" Fairy Godmother yelled up to her. "NO!" Mal yelled down and kept climbing. "You're going to die if you don't come down here!" "I don't care!" Mal said and disapeared onto the top of Auradon Prep. Mal suddenly felt the effects of it all. She crumpled to her knees and clutched at her heart. "Mal?" 


I'm sorry I haven't been that active on Wattpad recently. Since school is letting out, Softball has started, and it's taking up a lot of my time, and Fanfiction just has to come second unfortantly. I'm trying to update as much as I can!


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