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Mal slowly got up from her seat and walked across the way, taking one last glance at the two fighting boys. She crossed the remaining distance and Adam's smile grew larger, which scared Mal. "Mal, I believe there's something you should see." Adam said and he gestured to the open passageway behind him and Mal saw someone at the end of the cement walk. Mal blinked repeatly, thinking she was dreaming. Was that really Zevon? Mal shook her head and pinched herself but Belle pulled Mal's arm away from herself and nodded yes at her. Adam whistled and the figure turned around. "Mal?" "Zevon?" Mal asked and she tried to not cry. The two siblings ran towards each other and Mal collapsed in Zevon's comforting arms, and the tears she held in, ran loose down her face. 

Jay and Ben had long past stopped fighting and had watched the siblings sink to the floor in happiness. For some random reason, Audrey had decided to come down with her entire family to find Ben and Adam almost smacked his face in frustration. Adam knew how much pain Mal had been through and he didn't want anyone or anything to ruin her chance at happiness. Unfortantly for the rest of them, Aurora was the first to spot Zevon. "It's him!" She shrieked. Aurora liked acting like the victim to this kid and Mal felt Zevon tense when he heard Aurora. "Zevon, don't. I just got you back, I don't want you gone again." Mal whispered. Zevon nodded and tried to relax, which he did when Mal softly sang the song they used to sing together as kids when they were in danger or needed to be calmed down. Zevon kept his arms around his sister's small body as Audrey's family, Jay, and Ben's family approached. Some of them ready to fight, some of them ready to stop the fight. "Why is that scum of Maleficent back here?" Aurora asked Ben and he shrugged. He didn't know what Zevon had looked like, but when he saw his parents, he knew they had gotten Zevon here for Mal, and he was glad they did. 

"He should be sent back to the Isle, where he belongs." Leah scoffed and Mal screamed, "NO! He's been taken from me enough!" Mal held onto Zevon tighter and Belle and Jay moved to stand in front of the two kids of Maleficent. "Belle?" Leah asked. "Do you know what these kids go through on that Isle? I had no clue that's what happened there." "No, what happens on the Isle?" Phillip asked Belle. "Everything bad that happens here. Alcohol, abuse, sexual assults, people don't care about each other. Maleficent beat her kids senseless. You haven't seen the scars up close have you? The scars are all over, and it's terrible. I know none of you would do that to your kids, because we raise our kids different than the villians. The story that Jay told, it's terrible, I don't even want to repeat it." Belle said and made a pained face. 

"Maleficent, she scarred Mal so badly, Mal has nightmares about her own mother. Her mother, and her two henchmen, laid hands on her, have done things to her, that never should've happened. Maleficent, tortured her own kid for more than eleven years. Not just tortured, she hurt Mal in more ways than you think. Mal, would you mind showing them your arms?" Belle asked and this time it was Mal who tensed. "Did mom really do that?" Zevon asked Mal and she nodded. "I knew I should've snuck you with me when I came here. I knew I should've poisened her when I had the chance when dad told me to." "I wish you had." Mal said as she pressed her head against his chest. She tentivley pulled off her sweatshirt, to reveal her tank top underneath. Everyone around her gasped. The scars popped out against her pale skin and Mal regreted showing them. 

"Maleficent, did that?" Aurora asked. Mal reluctantly nodded and she quickly put back on her sweatshirt. Zevon growled and he said, "I want that stupid woman dead." He hissed and Jay agreed. Zevon then proceded to call his mom something that would normally get a bar of soap in their mouth. Audrey's family stared at him in shock. "Try living with her! She's insane! She beat on Mal like a punching bag and I don't care how evil I sound saying that I want her dead. I wish she was! I hate that woman! She got her fair share on me too, but I learned how to run away, since she can't really run in heels." Zevon said smirking. Mal buried her face in Zevon's chest and Zevon pulled her closer to him. 

Audrey was on her phone and the animated voice answerer(siri or alexa) spoke out and Mal froze. It kept speaking and Mal relived all her memories of her mother doing terrible things to her. She remembered the sound of every scar tore into her skin permantly. Mal didn't realize she was shaking until she felt Jay's arms around her shoulders. "That voice. It's, it's her." Mal heard herself saying. "Stop shaking. She's not here Mal." Zevon said. Mal shook her head trying to get rid of the memories. Mal kept shaking her head and Belle and Aurora went over to her and kneeled down next to them. "Mal, what's going on?" Aurora asked gently. "Be careful Aurora. He got you once before." Leah warned. Phillip had his hand on his sword, ready to use it. 

"He won't hurt you, unless you do something either against Mal, or about Mal." Jay said. Aurora nodded and Mal froze when she felt Aurora's hand on her shoulder. Aurora retracted her hand and Mal tried to calm herself. "Give me something to think about. Anything. Something." Mal pleaded to the crowd around. "Think about Carlos, Evie, and Dude." Jay suggested. Mal nodded after a moment and she shut her eyes. 

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