Finding Maleficent

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"If I would've known that mom did that, I would've hidden you in my bag to take to Auradon." Zevon told her before he leaned his chin on her head. Mal found herself falling asleep but her eyes snapped open again when she heard the adults talking about finding Maleficent. She realized Zevon wasn't with her anymore, and she started to panic. "Zevon?" She asked aloud and Jay answered her. "Don't worry Mal. He's here. He's just talking to the adults." Mal nodded and she leaned back against Jay in the grass. "What would I do without you?" She asked. "I haven't a clue." Jay said teasing her. 

Mal smiled and she closed her eyes and let her thoughts drift. When she awoke again, Jay and Mal were in the same spots, laying on the ground in the grass. Mal had flipped over somehow onto her stomagh and she was curled into Jay and he had an arm wrapped around her. Jay was awake too now and Mal looked up to see it was about midnight. The adults were still talking, and it looked like Ben had been crying. He was sitting a few feet away from them on the ground sitting up against a picnic table. Mal elbowed Jay until he looked at her. "May I help you?" Jay asked. Mal nodded and jerked her head in the direction of Ben. Jay looked reluctantly and he whistled to get Ben's attention. "Ben, you okay?" He asked sitting up. Mal sat up too and pushed his arms away from his chest so she could lean against him. Jay curled his arms around her and set his head on her shoulder. 

"No." Ben answered. He looked up to meet their eyes and he saw how they were sitting. He quickly turned his head away and he brushed his eyes. "Seriously Ben. What's wrong?" Jay asked as he pulled Mal a little closer to him, so she'd feel protected. "Audrey's parents decided to make her break up with me and go on to someone else." Ben said brushing his eyes again. "With who?" Mal asked peeking around Jay's shoulder. "I don't think you'll like that answer." Ben said. "I've taken enough. I think I can handle this." Mal argued and Ben sighed. "Fine. Her parents saw how protective Zevon was of you, and why, and they made Audrey break up with me for him." Ben said quietly. Jay's arms tightened around Mal so she wouldn't break free. Mal's eyes filled with anger. She struggled from Jay's grip and she looked him in the face. "Let me go!" She complained but Jay shook his head. "Let me go. Let me go. Let me at em!" Mal pleaded pushing against Jay to let her free. 

"I can't." Jay said grinning at her struggle against him. "Please? Please Jay-Jay? Please?" Mal asked, cocking her head to one side and giving Jay the puppy dog eyes. "No. I swore I wouldn't." "You also swore you wouldn't fall off that building, and you remember what happened." Mal informed him and Jay nodded. "Of course you'd remember that." "If you don't let me go, I'll just end up breaking your arms on accident." "I wouldn't care." Jay said. "Yes you would. You wouldn't get to play tourney, and all the girls will stay away from you dating wise." Mal said and that's what caught him. Jay's arms loosened around her for less than a second and Mal had already wormed her way out of his arms and was running towards the adults. Ben and Jay went after her and Mal got close enough to see Audrey sitting on Zevon's lap with a grin on her face. Mal growled and was about to leap when Jay got a grip around her waist and pulled her back. "Come on Jay! Let me go!" She said trying to go forward. "I said I wouldn't." Jay told her. "Just one little, little, hit?" Mal asked him. "No." "Let me go!!!!" Mal complained and everyone turned their attention towards her. 

"How are you feeling Mal?" Zevon asked smiling at her. Mal couldn't believe Zevon. She was supposed to make him smile, not Audrey. Mal shut up at that and Jay laughed as he pulled her back to stand in front of him. When Audrey said something quietly to Zevon and made him laugh, that made Mal even more upset. She instantly knew what Zevon now thought of her as; just an abused, scarred, child. She knew he saw Audrey as the old Mal; strong and happy. Mal almost let Jay drag her back. Zevon looked at her funny and Mal made a pained noise. "What's wrong with her?" Zevon asked Jay, knowing he could interprept her every move. Jay stifled his laughter as he shrugged. He knew how mad Mal was and he couldn't wait to see Zevon's reaction was. 

Mal shrugged away from Zevon and suddenly Zevon knew why she was acting like this. "Look, I know you don't like to share Mal, but this is my decision. This is the one thing I can decide for myself Mal. Audrey is amazing, and she has great fashion sense. Maybe she can help me redorate my room." Zevon said, but he realized his mistake. He swore he saw a tear drop on Mal's face and he almost rolled his eyes. He hadn't been here long, but she was crying again. He just didn't understand his little sister anymore. Jay knew what was going to happen if he didn't do anything soon. "Let's go back to the dorms Mal." Jay said and tried to tug her along but Mal didn't budge from her spot. "Mal. Come on." Jay said again and he managed to get her one step before her eyes gazed at everyone else's. Her eyes stopped at Audrey's and what she saw was a shock. She cared for Zevon, even when she had been 5. She had been screaming when Zevon had been taken away and pleaded for him to come back. 

Audrey had victory in her eyes. Audrey loved that she had this much rule over Mal. She saw that she had victory for breaking more of Mal's life than she already had. Finally, Mal just gave up. She gave in to Jay's attempt to get her to leave before Zevon could get the chance to start something that would end badly for Mal. Mal let Jay lead her away and Audrey almost laughed at the Mal that walked away from her. 

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