Are you sure?

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Mal and Jay got to the former King's office and knocked on the door. They heard something drop and they stifled a laugh. "We must have startled him." Mal said. The door opened and Adam's mouth dropped seeing them at his door before school hours. "Come on in." Adam said stepping aside to let them come in. "Can I help you two somehow?" Adam asked sitting down behind his desk, looking straight across at the two villain kids sitting before him. "Actually, yes." Mal said. "Who put my brother in jail?" Jay took Mal's hand and sqeezed it as she asked. "Phillip and Aurora. They expressed their concerns to me and I had no choice." "Can you tell me the whole, complete, story of that eventful Family Day?" Mal asked and Adam nodded. "Why don't we watch the footage of that day instead?" Adam asked and Mal and Jay nodded. Adam put the film in and it projected on the wall. He shut the lights off, and sat back down as the footage started. 

Three out of four villian kids were standing together. The remaining villian kid, Zevon, was standing off to the side, leaning against a tree in the shadows. Mal watched the Zevon on the screen as Queen Leah, Phillip, and Aurora, her mother's victims, as they approached him. Zevon didn't glare at them, instead, he greeted them and shook Phillip's hand. Mal smiled at seeing her brother onscreen. Jay smiled at seeing her smile. He loved Mal's smile, as that was the one part that rarely shined about her. Mal listened to the conversation they were having. "Who's your villain parent?" Phillip had asked. "Maleficent." Zevon answered and Queen Leah went into a rage against him. All three starting yelling at him and Zevon didn't do anything. "I'm not her! I hate her!" Zevon yelled. "I heard you have a sister." Aurora said and Zevon nodded. "Why'd you leave her huh? You want her to get killed? Does Maleficent even care about her?" Zevon didn't say anything as he clenched his fists together. "I bet that brat's good as dead. She deserves it being the daughter of Maleficent." That's what did it. Zevon unleashed a scream and she surged foreward. 

"YOU LEAVE MAL ALONE! SHE'S THE BEST PERSON IN THE WORLD! I HATE MY MOTHER AND EVERYTHING ABOUT HER! SHE'S EVIL, RUTHLESS, AND ROTTEN! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I WANT TO BE LIKE HER! I HATE MY MOTHER! I HATE HER, I HATE HER, I HATE HER!" Zevon screamed. "Is your sister fat and ugly too?" Aurora asked and Zevon's fists reacted faster than his mind could. His fist made contact with Aurora's gut and she fell down. "LEAVE MY SISTER ALONE! YOU CAN ATTACK MY MOTHER ALL YOU WANT, I WOULDN'T CARE, BUT LEAVE MAL ALONE!" The footage ended and Adam turned the lights on. "11 years later, you were chosen to leave the Isle." Adam told Mal. "Can he be let out of prison?" Mal asked hopefully. "That's for Ben to decide, but I'm all for it. I think he didn't commit a crime, as he was just standing up for himself, and his sister. Aurora, Phillip, and Leah's actions were totally uncalled for." Adam said. 

"When should we talk to Ben?" Jay asked. "You don't have to just yet. I'll talk to Belle. She feels the same way towards Zevon, and then we'll talk to Ben. Have a good night." "Thank you!" Mal said and Jay and Mal went back to the dorms. Mal and Jay were in the dorm hallway when they saw Ben and Audrey. Ben was pressing Audrey against the wall and they were kissing. Jay gagged and he covered them from vision as best as he could, but Mal jumped up to look but Jay caught her by the waist and pulled her down. "Don't look." Jay told her as they walked past. They were passing into Jay's room when Audrey stuck her foot out and tried to trip Mal. 

Mal saw it and she rolled her eyes. Instead, Mal hopped over it and shut the door behind her. The next morning, Mal and Jay were at breakfast, and Mal was almost bouncing on her toes, she was so nervous. Everyone had heard about Mal and Ben's breakup and almost all the students were gossiping about it. Jay put his hand on Mal's under the table to stop her from being so fidgity. She saw Ben and Audrey enter the dining hall and Mal would have taken off running, except Jay's hand around her wrist held her in place. Ben and Audrey sat across from them and Mal wished Carlos and Evie were here too, but they were in early bird classes that started at 6 A.M. "Mal, Jay, how are you?" Ben asked. "Fine thank you for asking." Jay answered. Mal didn't say anything, for she feared if she talked, she'd say something not so nice. Mal looked at Jay and silently pleaded for him to ask Ben if his parents had talked to him. Jay caught her eyes and he read the message. He nodded and he turned back to Ben. "Ben, I was wondering something." "Yes Jay?" Ben asked. "Did your parents say anything to you recently about, um, a certain someone in prison?" Jay asked. "What are you talking about?" Ben asked. "Nevermind." Jay said. Almost two weeks of bad dreams later, Ben approached Mal and Jay one day at dinner. 

"Mal, my mom and dad told me about your brother. I checked into it, and I'm so sorry Mal, but he's not at Alcatraz anymore." Ben said. Mal clutched Jay's hand and looked at him. "What do you mean?" Jay asked. "He's gone. They were going to coperate to my will, but when they went to the head office to check his file, he was checked out a week ago by an unknown source. They told me as much as they could. I wish I could do something more, but I don't want know to do." "Of course you don't. Apparently no one in Auradon is smart enough to figure things out! We obvisously track him!" Jay yelled. Ben was shocked at Jay's outburst but he answered to it strongly. "We don't learn about bad things in Auradon like you do on the Isle." 

Jay started to get angrier. "You broke Mal's heart! Can't you do at least one thing for her like you actually care!" Jay accused. Ben stood up and challenged him to a duel to which Jay nodded and grinned. "I'll see you on the Tourney Field at 5 sharp." Jay said smirking. Ben fired something back at him and they started fighting again. Suddenly, a sharp aroma filled the air. Ben and Jay were too busy fighting to notice the smell. Mal recognized the smell, but it was faint. She couldn't place what the smell was from. She saw Adam and Belle in the corner grinning wildly. Adam gestured for her to go over and Mal gulped. What did I do? She asked herself. 

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