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"Jay, why's Mal crying?" Ben asked. Jay started laughing again and he leaned against the wall. "Don't give me that bull. You know why she's crying!" Jay said clenching his fists together. "What's your problem?" Audrey asked and Jay tried his best to not go attack mode like his father liked to do to him. "Is everyone in Auradon full of bull crap? You all obviously know why Mal's crying her heart out, once again. Don't any of you have a heart inside your body? Or are you all too concerned and self centered about yourselves?" Jay asked. Jay grinned as he knew what would happen. Phillip slammed him against the wall, but Jay knew Phillip wouldn't expect to have his arm broken as Jay hit it with a shattering blow to a direct spot, breaking his arm on impact. Jay moved to go back to his dorm room when Ben yelled his name with an impression that he was going to be in trouble. "What's that? Is someone itching me to break a nose?" Jay asked cupping a hand around his ear laughing. 

Jay went back to his dorm and Ben pulled him back. "Tell Mal I want to talk to her." "You'll never talk to her again alone." Jay said and he wrestled himself easily out of Ben's grasp. "I'm the King." "I don't care! You leave her alone otherwise I'll break your face as easily as I broke Phillip's arm." Jay said. His face was turning red with anger and Ben realized he was serious. "Jay, come on. Please?" Jay had warned him so he did what he promised to do. He broke Ben's nose. "You stay away from her. If you come within 2 feet of her, you'll be sorry. Stay away or I'll break more than just your nose." Jay threatened and went back into his dorm room. Ben held his nose and Phillip held his arm. "How did that kid withstand the blow against the wall? That should've broke his back." Phillip said. 

"I don't know." Ben said. They got their breaks fixed and they went back to Jay's dorm. Ben opened the door silent and the four villian kids were still clouded together on Jay's bed. Carlos and Evie were asleep on either side of Jay's body and Mal was still crying. She was curled up on half of Jay's body since she was so small. Jay had both of his arms and hands supporting her and she looked up at him. "J-J-Jay?" She asked while shaking again. "Yes Dragon?" Jay replied to her question. "" She asked. Her eyes were still cloudy and Jay wished he could make the tears dry faster. He hated his Baby Dragon being sad and heartbroken. "I won't let her Dragon." Jay said and he kissed her forehead again. She nodded and she layed her head back down on Jay's collarbone. She traced her finger against it and Jay watched her. "What is she doing?" Audrey asked. "I don't know." Ben said. 

"Do you still have your tattoo?" Mal asked after a moment. Jay nodded. "I always will." Jay said. Mal smiled and she stretched out so she was laying completly on top of him on her stomach. He stroked her hair as she settled in and she relaxed completly. "I won't let anyone hurt you Dragon." He said and he leaned his head against hers. Mal started to fall asleep and he continued stroking her hair to keep her calm. Once Jay heard her labored breathing he started to fall asleep himself. He knew that Mal would wake up in the middle of the night screaming and he hoped not too many people came running. Ben, Audrey and her family all left Jay's doorway and shut the door on the way out. Ben was staying with Audrey in the room next to Jay's dorm, and Phillip, Aurora, and Leah were going on on the otherside of Ben and Audrey. They all settled in for the night and around midnight was when they heard the screaming. 

It was loud and it was terrifying to hear. The person screaming sounded in pain and it continued less than 3 seconds but everyone swarmed into the hallway looking surprised. The only people not in the hallway was Jay, Carlos, Mal, and Evie. Ben's parents found him along with Fairy Godmother. "Ben, what's going on?" Belle asked as Ben looked at Jay and Carlos's door. "It sounds like someone's in pain." Fairy Godmother said and they heard the whimpers from inside Jay's room. Fairy Godmother told all the lingering students to go back to sleep and she knocked on the door. Carlos and Evie answered it and looked shocked to see Belle, Beast, Ben, Fairy Godmother, Audrey, Phillip, Aurora, and Queen Leah at the door. "Evie, Carlos, is everything okay?" Fairy Godmother asked and another pained sound sounded and Evie flinched. "Is someone hurt?" She asked and Evie said, "Not exactly." Evie let Fairy Godmother, Belle, and Beast in but no one else. Instead the rest of them watched from the doorway as the three adults went over to the source of the screams, Mal herself. She was curled up in a ball in the corner and Jay was on the floor with her. 

He was hugging her and rubbing her back while his head sat on top of hers, hiding her head in his chest. "Mal?" Fairy Godmother asked getting closer. The whimpers came again and Mal's body shook so violently Belle almost started crying. "She's going to get me." Mal whimpered over and over again and when Mal stopped shaking, Jay said, "She won't get past me, Carlos, and Evie. We'll get her before she hurts you again. They'll never lay their hands on you again my Baby Dragon." Jay said holding her tighter. "Fairy Godmother crouched down next to Jay and Mal and she tentivly reached out towards Mal and Mal gasped. Jay gently shushed her telling her it was only Fairy Godmother. "If any of them come close to you, I'll get them before they touch you again." Jay said kissing her forehead. "What happened?" Fairy Godmother asked. "Her mother and her stupid henchmen happened." Jay spit out. "Those stupid people taught her in her nightmares and she's terrified. Fairy Godmother, you have no idea what those three people did to her. Name something bad that could happen to somebody." Jay said looking into the woman's eyes. "Abuse." "Happened. Everything that you can think of that's bad, happened to my Baby Dragon. It makes me so sick that they get to stay alive." Jay said with so much anger Fairy Godmother knew he was serious. 

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