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After Mal convinced Rosalie she was fine thousands of times, Rosalie left. She promised she'd be waiting her call in the shadows. Mal was exshausted. She knew something was wrong with Zevon. There's no way, that he'd ever want to speak to Audrey and her family unless it was to insult them. From everything she'd heard, he hated them. She felt like she was going insane not knowing what was going on. 

Carlos, Evie, Jay, and surprisenly Ben always flanked Mal at school, with Rosalie in the shadows. But sadly, the five of them couldn't be around Mal forever, and Audrey and her friend group took advantage of that. They started to bully her, making her feel worthless, and weak. They would give her notes saying nasty things about her and calling her nasty names. They would vandalize her locker and school things, and set up tricks for teachers to get her into trouble. The worst thing Audrey would do to Mal, would stomp on her foot after telling her to go kill herself, that is until today. 

Audrey and her group were sitting at the lunchtables, and they all watched as Mal sat down by herself. All of her friends were in a different lunch period and off campus for the day. No one else was in the area, and Mal was secretly scared. She wished someone, even Ben was here to help her. Chad and Audrey were leading the pack, with Zevon right behind them. The whole group starting hurtling insults, and throwing things at Mal, and suddenly Chad lashed out and made contact with Mal's face, leaving scratch marks behind from his sharp claws. 

That action caused everything to be unleased at once. Everyone started attacking Mal, and Mal really thought she was going to die. They hit her and kicked her all over, and she held the blood inside her, determined not to let them win. The insults kept coming as they helped beat Mal up, and Chad had her half knocked out by the time Ben, Belle, Beast, and Fairy Godmother had come outside to check out the disturbance. Belle and Fairy Godmother gasped. They saw the group of kids kicking a figure laying on the ground, that clearly wasn't moving. 

"STUDENTS!" Fairy Godmother commanded and all of Audrey's gang turned to look at Fairy Godmother. Fairy Godmother made a mental check of each one of the students in the group. "Back away." She said and they backed up. Belle and Fairy Godmother made their way foreward, and Belle almost screamed. Fairy Godmother furrowed her eyebrows together in confusion. "Get a medic. I don't care who, get a medic, and tell them to come straight to the Medical Station on the lower floor of Auradon Prep." Fairy Godmother commanded and Beast turned and dashed into the building. Ben stepped up to put his hands on his mom's shoulders and he peeked over her shoulder to see who was on the ground. 

It took all of his being not to gasp or suck in a breath. Mal wasn't moving, she was breathing, but her eyes were focused on one of the table's legs. She was bleeding everywhere, and had a 3 inch long gash running down her arm and another similar one on her other arm. Her face had nail marks all over, and part of her shirt was ripped down the middle to show her tank top underneath. Her hands were covered in blood as well as her arms and neck. A medic arrived and they took Mal to the lower floor of Auradon Prep. 

"Someone call for Carlos, Evie, and Jay." Ben said and Belle nodded. The three were quickly located and brought back to Auradon Prep. When Mal was all treated by the medic, she was taken back to Jay's room, where she curled up into a ball, wincing in pain, on the window seat. She buried her head in her arms, and tried to pretend she wasn't living. Everywhere she went caused her pain and suffering as well as her friends. She's better off not living. It would save her friends some trouble and worry. 

She knew so many people would start to worry about her, but she didn't want them to. It would make it harder for her to leave this world. "Mal." A soft voice said and she glanced up to see Jay standing in front of her, alone. No one else was left in the room. "What happened?" He asked her quietly and she told him. Everything from start to finish and she ended her story by talking about the assult. "I can't live like this. Jay, you have to help me. Distract me. Do something before I pitch myself off the cliff into the water." She pleaded with him, her green eyes watery, looking into his chocolate brown eyes. She was about to turn away when suddenly his lips were against hers once again, and she was distracted for a fraction of a second. Jay started kissing her harder and Mal kissed him back with just as much pressure. Mal felt herself being lifted into the air and being set down again. She and Jay didn't let up, not even to pull their shirts off. 

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