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"Medical care first Mal." Jay said pulling Mal gently back down as she tried to stand up. Mal nodded and Jay took her hand again once the doctor got there. Jay told her to squeeze his hand when she felt pain and she told him the same thing. "I'll break your hand." "I'll get a new one." "I'm serious Jay." "So am I." Jay said and Mal rolled her eyes. Mal bit her lip to keep from crying out and she squeezed Jay's hand. Suddenly, she started shaking again as another vision took over her sight. "Mal!" Belle screamed as Mal started spasming. "Zevon?" Mal kept saying over and over looking around but not seeing anyone's faces. "Zevon? Where are you?" Mal asked and her vision showed her his surroundings. He was in a huge prison building with choppy, dangerous water surrounding the island with the huge prison on it. She saw people trying to swim away but they got sucked under the water and they resurfaced on the shore, dead. 

Mal gasped and her vision was yanked away from her. "Where did you see him?" Jay was the first one she heard. "He's on an island. A huge prison is standing on an island surrounded by choppy water that kills people if they try to swim away. He told me it's a place where the worst criminals go. Why is Zevon there? What did he do that's so wrong? He was just protecting his family." Mal said and her voice broke at the end. She missed Zevon so much and she hadn't seen him in 11 years. "I just want my older brother." Mal said and Jay pulled her gently up so the doctor could fix her wounds. Her wounds were fixed and she was propped up on Jay's bed listening to Ben, Audrey, Belle, Fairy Godmother, and Beast talking about her, when another vision took over her. She shuddered and that made everyone look at her. 

This time in her vision she saw Zevon again, except there was guards with gray suits, red ties, white undershirts, and conducter hat look alikes surrounding him. Zevon was screaming and she saw Zevon being hurt in front of her eyes. Mal started screaming and thrashing around just like Zevon was. Before Zevon was dragged away he pointed to the door and Mal knew she had a few seconds before she would be yanked out of her vision. Mal ran to the door and she looked out the window just as Zevon instructed. There was two of those tall wooden poles, one of them marked a location, the other full of arrowed signs pointing different directions. Mal went as quickly as possible to the front the signs and she saw two words on the location signs, Alcatraz Island, and Mal was about to look at the other sign, but she was yanked from her vision. 

She met Jay's eyes and he crossed the room and carefully sat beside her on his bed. "He's somewhere called Alcatraz Island." Mal said and her eyes rolled up into her head as she fell into unconsciousness. "What's wrong with her?" Audrey asked. Jay started to growl except Carlos smacked him in the arm and he stopped. "What's wrong with Mal is none of your buisness." Jay said and turned to glare at the wall. "Carlos?" Jay asked turning back to look at the boy. "Yes Jay?" Carlos asked. "Come here for a minute with your laptop." Carlos picked up his laptop and walked over to Jay. "Can you look up Alcatraz Island for me?" Jay whispered so only Carlos could hear. "Sure Jay." Carlos said and he plopped down in a chair next to Jay. He opened up the google search bar and he typed in Alcatraz Island. 

"Where's it at?" Jay asked. Carlos took less than a second to locate where Alcatraz Island was. "Right here Jay." "How long does it take to get there from here?" Jay asked. Another second pass and Carlos showed Jay his laptop screen. "16 hours and 44 minutes." "Thanks Carlos." "No problem Jay." Carlos said. 

That night, when Mal woke up Jay was right by her side making sure the nightmares wouldn't haunt her. "I know where he's at." Jay said softly and Mal's frown cracked open and a smile appeared. "Where?" Mal said shifting and then wincing in pain. "Don't move. It will rip open your stitches." Jay said putting a hand on her shoulder to keep her from moving. "He's on an island called Alcatraz Island about a mile off the coast of San Francisco." "How far is that from here?" Mal asked. "16 hours and 44 minutes." "Let's go." Mal said starting to get up but Jay pushed her back down. "No. Because you are going to most likely come up with a plan to bust him out of prison." Jay said. "Why can't we just ask Adam to free him?" "He's not the King anymore." "I don't care. Let's go to talk to him. I'll do anything to get Zevon free from Alcatraz Island." "The prison itself is called Alcatraz." Jay said and Mal nodded. "We're going now." "Mal, it's 2 in the morning." "Does it look like I care? This is my brother we're talking about! He saved your life more than once you know." Mal said crossing her arms. "That's not what I'm talking about. Won't Adam be asleep?" Jay asked. 

Mal thought for a moment as she casted a spell. "Nope. He's awake right now. He's trying to decipher if he should tell us that Zevon's in Alcatraz. He doesn't know we figured it out." Mal said. "Spell?" Jay asked and Mal nodded. "Come on. I'm not wasting another second." Mal said struggling to pull herself up without being in pain or busting open her stitches. Jay just laughed and pulled her up gently so she was standing besides him. "Where's Adam at?" Jay asked. "His office." Mal said and they started for his office. 

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