Undercover backup

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Mal couldn't get that look on Audrey's face out of her mind. It was like she was being controlled by Mal's mother and Mal shivered at the thought. Jay saw her shiver and he threw a blanket at her. She caught it without thinking and she set it down next to her. "Where are Carlos and Evie?" Mal asked. "Carlos texted me a couple of hours ago and said he was bunking in Evie's dorm for the night to give you some space." "Tell him thanks." "Mal, what's bothering you? There's something deeper hidden beneath that facial expression. You know you can't keep a lie from me." Jay teased her and Mal smiled. 

Mal didn't say anything as she rolled over to be face to face with Jay. Jay sat up and Mal did the same. Mal looked at Jay and she saw something hidden in his face. "What are you hiding?" Mal asked him cocking her head to one side like Jay had. Jay didn't say anything as he raised his eyebrows. "I'm proud of you." Jay said. Mal knew that's not what he was hiding but she decided to let it go. "Why?" "For not attacking Audrey. Or her family. Or Zevon for being stupid." Jay said. "oh." Mal said and she turned away. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring it up." Jay said quickly. "No it isn't you. It's just awkward, because I have someone who will do that for me if needed." Mal said still not meeting Jay's eyes. "Hey, I'm not going to judge you. Mal, there's plently of things you've told me in the past that could make me judge you, but I never can." Jay said taking Mal's hands in his. "Can you tell me who this is so I can make sure not to get on his or her's bad side." Jay asked Mal and she laughed and finally met his eyes. 

"Her name is Rosalie, and she's got my back." Mal said and Jay laughed. "Only you would think of a bodyguard." "She's not a bodyguard. She's more of a ninja spy." Mal said and Jay nodded, laughing. "You can laugh all you want, but in the end, she cares about my safety and she'll even attack you if you do something she doesn't like." Mal said raising her eyesbrows. "Sure baby dragon, sure." Jay said before pressing his lips to her forehead. "Please don't do that." Mal said. "It's too painful, to know that Zevon used to do that." Mal shut her eyes and started to turn away from Jay when his hand gripped her chin gently. She opened her eyes to look at him in confusion. "Then maybe I'll do this." Jay said before softly kissing her full lips. Mal was shocked, but she felt how soft Jay's lips were and how nice they felt against hers. She suddenly kissed him back and she was even more shocked. It didn't help that she thought Jay had always loved her more than Ben had and suddenly Jay's hands moved from her face and traveled down to her waist and pulled her closer to him. 

Deep down inside, she loved him, and by him kissing her, made her love true and floated to the surface. He started kissing her harder and she applied the same pressure towards him. She pushed him against his mattress and her hands tangled in his hair and Jay grinned against their kiss. From the moment she kissed him back, he knew the thing she was hiding from him was love, because she shared the same look he had, when he didn't tell her he loved her. They kept kissing, and never stopped for a breath, like they had been practicing for years. 

Footsteps sounded from the hallway, coming towards Jay's room, and Mal groaned as Jay sat up. He brushed the hair out of her face and tucked it behind her eyes. Mal kicked off her shoes and pulled off her jacket. She pushed Jay gently forward and he laughed as she pulled his covers over herself. Jay answered the door, and it was the whole group that had been out in the courtyard with them. Jay leaned against the doorframe and looked at them as they looked at him. "Can I help you?" Jay asked them. "Where's Mal?" "Can't you just leave her alone?" Jay asked with a sigh. "Is she okay?" Zevon asked. "OF COURSE SHE'S NOT! EVERYONE KEEPS MAKING HER HURT INSIDE, AND YOU ASK ME IF SHE'S ALRIGHT?" Jay shouted. He turned around and slammed the door shut, only for it to be pulled back open. He groaned and Mal peeked out from under the covers. She saw Zevon looking at her along with Audrey and she pulled the covers back over herself. "Please just get out." Jay said and leaned his head against the wall. "Please. Just get out." Jay said, pleading gently with the people in the room. Ben ushered them all out and he was about to linger behind but Jay gave him a look saying he should go, which Ben did. 

"What's gotten into Jay?" Audrey asked and Zevon shrugged. Zevon took her hand and back in Jay's room, Mal peeked out from under the blankets at Jay. "They're gone Mal." Jay said and Mal noticed something about him. "Are you okay?" Mal asked him and Jay shrugged. Another knock sounded from the door, and Jay sighed again for a long time. Jay answered it and at the door, was someone Jay had never seen before. "I smelled something fishy, and I ran straight for here. I just figured you know..." A girl who Jay assumed was Rosalie said. Mal's smile brightened a bit more, and Jay was happy to see that frown being chipped away, piece by piece. "Thanks Rosalie. You always know how to make a person feel good." Dove said sarcastically. 

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