Chapter Twenty-Two.

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Lily's POV-

"Louis," I breathed into the phone, a smile on my lips. He had been at soccer practice all day and I at school and I hadn't gotten the chance to talk to him once. I knew talking on the phone while driving was dangerous, but I had to work right after school and this was the only time I had available.

"Hey babe," he responded, causing my smile to widen.

"I miss you."

"Do you now?" He asked in the arrogantly sweet way that only he could manage to pull off. I scoffed and he chuckled. "I miss you too."

I hadn't seen him in three days. He was always busy with soccer or drumming or his college classes and I was busy with work or homework. As great as it was to brag about dating a college sophomore, the lack of time spent together was starting to bother me.

He went on to tell me how his classes went and how many goals he had made at soccer practice.

"They're thinking about making me captain," he admitted. I knew I should have been happy for him, but I could feel my smile drop as he told me. I was supposed to be a supportive girlfriend, but If he became captain that meant he wouldn't have much time to spend with me anymore.

"Lily?" He asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, Louis. That's great."

"Then how come you don't sound excited for me?" I could practically see the droopy frown, the confusion in his crystal blue eyes.

"I am excited for you Louis," I sighed, stopping at a red light. I could feel the woman in the car next to me giving me dirty looks. "Extremely proud of you, too."

"Then what's the issue?" He snapped.

"My issue?" I snapped back. If he could catch an attitude then so could I. "My issue is that I never see you anymore. You're so obsessed with soccer that you're completely ignoring me."

He scoffed on the other end and I clenched my steering wheel tighter. As usual, a simple conversation has turned into an argument. Don't get me wrong, when things were good with Louis everything was amazing. We laughed and kissed and messed around. However, if of us just so happened to strike a nerve on the other, a good day would turn sour immediately. Lately it seemed we had more arguments than laughs and it was driving me insane.

"Well what do you want me to do?" He barked. "Do you want me to just not take it? Because I won't-"

"Oh, shut up," I sighed. "You know I would never ask you to turn that down."

He was quiet for awhile, too long for him because he was never quiet. "You act like it's my fault. " Even though I couldn't see him, I knew he was rolling his eyes.

The police station was coming into view now, and my patience with Louis was running thin. "Whatever, Louis."

He was still ranting on as I parked my car and got out and it continued as I made my way too my desk.

"Hey Lily," Harry said with a smile from his desk. His smile seemed to ease my nerves for some odd reason.

"Hi Harry," I replied. Louis finally went silent. I pointed to the phone pressed to my right ear and rolled my eyes. Harry nodded understandingly and turned his attention back to his work.

"And that's another thing," Louis practically roared. "You always talk to so many other fucking guys."

By this point, I was fuming. He was always overly jealous for no reason. The only person I wanted was him and he always seemed to doubt my feelings for him.

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