Chapter Thirty-Six.

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Lily's POV-

My legs dangled off the edge of the hospital bed. I could feel Harry's eyes on me, wanting to make conversation. I would probably ignore him. I was angry he had made me come, I was freezing, and I was absolutely exhausted. It was two in the afternoon and I had slept a good ten hours the night before, but I was so sleepy. I was always tired lately.

"Stop staring at me," I told him as I picked at my nails.

"I wouldn't stare if those gowns weren't so short. Jesus fu-" he groaned, being cut off by the door swinging open.

Doctor Ross greeted us both with a blinding white smile. She had been my doctor for as long as I could remember. Most people felt uncomfortable at the doctor's, but she always made me feel comfortable with her jokes and overall bubbly personality.

"Miss James," she sat down in the chair beside the bed and looked me right in the eyes. "What seems to be the problem?"

"Nothing, actually," I told her, flipping a stray strand of hair out of my face.

"She's lost at least forty pounds since Halloween, she's been sick twice since Thanksgiving, and she bruises way too easily," Harry, who was slumped in his chair with his arms crossed over her chest, scoffed.

"I've seen you've lost a tremendous amount of weight," she said as she began to test my vitals. "You've been eating, right? Nothing less than normal?"

"I haven't had much of an appetite." The blood pressure cuff squeezed my arm so tight and it hurt so bad.

"I see," she told me. She wrote something down on her clipboard that I couldn't see. "And the bruising?" She was studying my legs where the purple marks were extremely evident.

"It's not that bad," I protested, earning a glare from Harry.

"She has this huge one that takes up most of her chest," Harry chimed in with an eye roll. Doctor Ross raised an eyebrow and I sighed before pulling the top of my gown down a bit. Her eyes went wide and she scribbled some more stuff onto her clipboard.

She sat back into her chair with a huff. "Lillian, have you experienced any other...issues?"

"Issues?" I wondered, absentmindedly picking at the cover on the bed.

"Fatigue? Excessive chills? Sweating? How long after you got sick the first time were you sick again?" She seemed concerned. Scary concerned and I felt a huge lump in my throat.

"I'm usually always cold-uh, No sweating. Sleeping never seems to take away my exhaustion. And I don't know, a week, maybe two," I told her and she wrote more down on her clipboard.

"Lillian," she spoke softly, uncrossing her legs. "I want to run some blood tests."

"Blood tests?" I practically whimpered and I saw Harry stiffen from the corner of my eye.

"I don't want you to get freaked out. It's only so we can find out what the problem is."

"Problem? What do you- what problem? What do you mean 'problem'?" I was nearly having a panic attack now. It felt like the walls were closing in on me and I just couldn't breathe.

She paused at the door, one hand on the handle and one hand tightly clutching the stupid clipboard she had been scribbling on. "I can't know for sure until we run the tests. But Lillian, this is not normal. You haven't eaten or drank anything today, have you?"

I quickly shook my head no and she smiled before gesturing me to follow her. I quickly hopped off the bed (more like stumbled because my knees were shaking so bad) and grabbed ahold of Harry's hand.

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