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"Psst," Mukuro whispered. "Fujisaki' Back here."

About to leave the dorms, I turned around once more to look for Mukuro. Where could she be? Everywhere I looked, I couldn't find her. Suddenly, I turned around, and--



"Fujisaki!" Mukuro shushed me. "Be quiet, please. Come with me."

"W-Where are we going?" I asked nervously. Taka warned me of the horrors of hiding in the hallways with girls during school hours, and I wasn't quite ready for a child.

"We're going to my room," Mukuro asserted.

"W-what?!" That was even higher on Taka's list of Things That Could Result In A Child! "M-Mukuro, I'm not sure about this..."

And I followed her to her dorm anyway.

"You can't tell anyone about this." She locked the door, rushed me to the corner of her room, and--

"Mukuro!" I yelled. "I-I'm not ready for that, I--"

"What?" Mukuro sighed. "I thought you were more innocent than this, Fujisaki. I'm actually kind of disappointed."

If Mukuro didn't think I was a pervert when I told her I was a boy, she definitely did now. Regardless, she seemed unphased as she pulled out a small wrapped gift box and placed it in my hands. "Oh, thank you..."

"You can't thank me yet," Mukuro laughed, shaking her head. "Open the box."

When I opened it I initially struggled to understand what I was looking at, but when I finally did, I dropped it and began to shake a little. "Mukuro! I can't take this--"

Inside the box was a sheathed knife, one clearly meant to be a weapon. "Mukuro, you can't give me this..."

"And that..." My voice escaped in the form of a high-pitched shriek as I felt the cold metal against my neck. "...marked the end of Chihiro Fujisaki."


Still holding the blade close to my neck, she slid 'my' knife back into my hand. "Do you see how close I am to you? Where do you think the best place to strike is?"

How would I know? I could barely answer her, even if I did know. Her throat? It was way too far up, and her arms compromised my entire upper body. "S-sto...mach, m-may...be?"

"Go for it," Mukuro whispered. "Don't hold back."

"What?" My arms were shaking. I knew Mukuro wasn't going to kill me, but... did I? "I-I'm not doing that..."

"I'll slit your fucking throat," Mukuro rasped. The way she was holding it, I suddenly felt contact with the sharp point and I...

Broke into tears. Mukuro's act was up at that moment, regret finally calming her down from... whatever she was trying to do. She dropped the blade and quickly hugged me before breaking into tears herself.

"I'm..." Mukuro sobbed, holding me as tight as she could. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm..."

"It's okay," I whispered, knowing perfectly well that it wasn't. "D-Did Junko tell you to do this?"

Mukuro shook her head, sobbing louder as her body sunk into mine.
Her arms wrapped around me as if she were afraid I'd run. "Y-you wanted to be around Mukuro, a-and this is her! A monster... I'm a monster..."

I was quiet. It wasn't like I had anything to say.

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