Benz truck (Part 1)

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I placed my black hair in a high pony tail and clipped my metal choker around my neck.
My phone began to ring and I answered while looking in the mirror, trying to apply my red lipstick with my other hand.

"Hey Dem, Im sorry, I can't pick you up tonight. My little sister's been arrested again and I've got to go and collect her from the station"

"No worries, I'll speak to you soon." I sighed with annoyance as I ended the call.
Why do people always let you down?

l guess I'll just have to walk.

After I'd finished applying my makeup, I grabbed my bag from the side of my dresser, threw it over my shoulder and left.

The party wasn't that far from my house, maybe a couple blocks or so, and I didn't really mind walking alone, somehow, I felt safer.
I guess the only person you can really trust is yourself.

Although, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't freezing. The cold was unrelenting; it's winter chill cascaded down every exposed patch of skin on my body.

Soon enough I started to hear the pounding of a baseline, an old apartment block slowly appeared in my vision.
Walking up the cold concrete steps, I passed through the doorway and let out a shiver, the sound of music enticing me forward until I had reached the right apartment. 

The mix of neon lights and smoke blinded my eyes as I stepped through the already opened front door, groups of people stood cluttered around the entrance.

It smelt like cigarettes and a mix of different alcohols.
Loud rap music rang deeply through my ears.
I continued to walk through and passed people dancing on tables and grinding on each other so forcefully it looked painful.

I saw an half-full bottle of Hennessy on the window sill and immediately went over to grab it.

Leaning on the old-style window ledge, I placed my lips around the bottle and took the biggest swig I could manage before my taste buds cringed in sheer refusal of the bitter taste of the liquid.

My throat was on fire and I relished in the moment while thinking about the time I first time I had gotten drunk - I could barely see, and Alex was just about able to walk; I laughed so much that night.

Alex was my best friend; we'd met in high school.
I came in late one day and saw her standing outside the school entrance, a blunt pressed against her lips.
I knew straight away we would get along.

She was the only person I really vibed with.
I don't really like most people.
I wish she was here now, I felt so lonely these days. I swirled the remaining liquid around in the bottle while letting out a sigh.

"Lonely, eh?" A rugged looking man with brown hair was towering over me.

"Did I say that out loud? God I must be drunk already, what ever happened to tolerance?" I shook my head, bewildered.

He walked over and leant against the wall next to me.
"No" he chuckled while smiling softly,
"It's just, you're the only one in this place standing alone" he turned his head suddenly to face mine.

The dude wasn't wrong. Everyone else seemed to be socialising in some sort of way.
Not me though. I prefer to get straight to the alcohol.

"I'm not much of a people person" I replied, taking another sip from the bottle.

"Figures" he nodded in agreement 

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