Awful things (Part 2)

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I did as told and got in the back, sliding across the dark leather seats to the middle while the man jumped in the front.

I glanced up at the rear view mirror and was met with the brown eyes of the driver.
They were deeply eluding, I'd never felt so entranced.

"What happened" the brown eyed man asked as he pulled away from the junction.

"Gang trouble - there was a raid on the flat. Marco must be late on his payments again. Son of a bitch always getting everyone else involved in his shit." He replied.

Payments? Are they into drugs?

"Seemed worse than usual this time though; there were gunshots" the man said while he rolled a joint.

Oh god I bet I've got myself caught up in the middle of a drug war.

My hands began to fumble as worry seeped it's way into my psyche.

"Seems so, I ain't never heard you sound like such a bitch over the phone" the other guy replied.

Maybe I should jump out of the car, if I leave now they won't be able to kill me.

"Yeah yeah, I thought I was gonna die" he laughed and licked the rolling paper of his spliff.

I looked at the car door and wondered if I could survive the next 6 months in a full body cast.

"Who's the girl?" the brown eyed male asked as his eyes stared back at me from the mirror, seemingly having noticed my increasing feeling of unease.

The street lights beamed in through the windows like diamonds as we drove past.
In this light his hair seemed to be two different colours, at first I thought it was black, but I could now see the pink peeping through the other side.
It was ruffled and he looked like he had just woken up from a long nap. The smoke from the blunt pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Uh, I met her at the party" he replied,
"I'm Brendon, by the way, and this is Gus" he said as he turned his head and gave me a welcoming smile.

"I'm Demi" I said softly while looking at the city from the back of the truck as we drove away.
It was a beautiful night really, bar the whole 'nearly dying' thing.
The moonlight reflected off the glass walls of the buildings, the light sparkled and refracted in all directions.

We continued to drive, the city seemed to get further away as we entered a more scenic area.
The road was surrounded by hills and it was pitch black out the window, I rolled it down for a breath of fresh air, Inhaling deeply I felt the oxygen refresh me.
The sweet sound of the ocean waves could be heard faintly.

We pulled up outside a house, it was modern. There was already a couple other cars parked on the drive, non of them looked as expensive as this one, however.
I opened the car door and followed Gus and Brendon inside the house.
We walked through the door and I traced my fingertips against the cold white marble walls, the entrance led us straight into the living room.

It was quite an open area of space. Looking around I noticed the excessive amounts of artwork against the walls, they were not detailed, in fact, they looked quite messy, some just the frail outline of an object, but I guess that's what made it art.

I realised that there were some people already in the house, only a couple, they all looked around the age of 20.
Gus said a quick word to one of them  before he made his way to the kitchen, returning a second later with a beer.

Brendon left the room, leaving me with Gus and the other strangers.
I stood there, feeling like a spare part. Not knowing what to do, or if I should just walk out the door and leave.

One of the girls came over to me, she had short red hair that was dip dyed black at the ends.

"Hey, I'm Lux, it's nice to meet you..." She implied, giving me a warm smile.

"Demi." I smiled faintly back at her.

"Demi" lux spoke, repeating my words as they settled in her mind.
"Right, why don't you come sit down, you look a bit shaken."
She held my hand and tugged me towards the black couch.

I sat down next to her, feeling the cold leather sting my back through the hole in the rear of my dress.
There was a slit in the couch, I could see the foam inside, I placed my finger over it and felt it. It was soothing against my skin to feel the soft foam.

"It's nice isn't it, we only bought it the other day" the girl said.

I thought for a second, confused.

"Oh yeah, the couch, it's uh, lovely" I replied.

What type of person buys a couch with a hole
in it? Or maybe they put the hole there? Why was this the most interesting thing on my mind right now?

Brendon came rushing back into the room with a duffel bag.
One of the men made a joke and Brendon laughed while he stuffed various different rifles into the bag.
He walked over to me as he threw the large duffel over his broad shoulders.

"I'm going back, you can stay here for tonight." He offered.

"You're going back?" I asked in a state of pure confusion.

He nodded.

"Look, I'll be fine, this isn't the first time this has happened. You'll be safe here till' the morning - I'll see you soon" he said as he opened the front door.

"Gus, look after her" he shouted to the brown eyed man before slamming the door shut behind him.

Okay, I guess I'm staying here tonight then.
I turned around to look at the group of people that I've never even met before tonight.
Most of them were either smoking or drinking.

Lux realised my discomfort and came over to me.

"I can show you to a room?" She reasoned.

I took a quick look at the man with brown eyes, he was laughing, he looked happy.
I don't know how people put their problems to the back of their mind; I've never been able to do that.

I simply nodded and with that Lux gently grabbed my hand and led me to the nearest room.

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