White wine (Part 13)

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3 months later

Slowly stumbling towards the parked trailer outside of the venue, the blonde-haired boy mumbled a cluster of lost words to himself. He forcefully pushed the trailer door open; it slammed heavily against the wall behind it. The blonde boy then steadied it with his hands, attempting to silence the sound.

He entered the trailer and was met with cheers from his friends. There were a couple random girls mingled in with the rest but that wasn't anything unusual to see. One of the males pushed a girl off the couch, making space and signalling the blonde boy to sit - yet his eyes seemed to be fixed on the white powder set into four rough lines on the table.
The man who was scraping the white powder together immediately offered the blonde boy some of the substance; not that it would've changed his coming actions.

Within seconds the four lines were gone.
"Damn Peep... you good bro?" One of the men exclaimed.
Gus turned around slowly, flipping his blonde hair out the way of his eyes.
"One, two, three. That shit ain't do nothing for me anymore." He replied while rubbing his nose with his heavily tattooed hands.
'I'm not fucking surprised." The man said.
Gus ignored him.

"Have you spoke to Tracy lately?" One of the others asked, with genuine curiosity.
Gus sighed.
"Tracy... he hasn't spoken to me since - He doesn't want to be around me" he stated, shrugging his shoulders.
"And Demi?" Someone else added.
Gus's eyes narrowed.
"I don't know." Gus replied, his jaw tensed.
The man reacted with confusion but brushed off Gus's irritated response.

"Don't matter anyway man. Fuck them. They ain't ever been here for you like us."
"You right" Gus spoke.
He then picked up a bag of coke off the table next to him before walked towards one of the girls. He grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the bedroom, she swiftly followed his lead.
"I'm going to bed." He exclaimed to the group whilst him and the girl went to the other end of the trailer.

Gus's POV
I finished fucking the blonde and sat on the edge of the bed. I began to role up some weed that I had left from the night before.
"Hey so-" the girl spoke before being interrupted.
"You can go now." I said, not turning to look at her.
She scoffed and mumbled something under her  breath before leaving the room, I heard the door slam shut behind her.
I sighed, lighting my blunt and leaning back on my bed. It was about 2AM and I was feeling energetic. There's just nothing to do here.

I sing songs, perform for people - whoever the fuck wants to see me - I fuck girls, I do drugs.
Who would've thought I'd be bored already.

The money doesn't even help - I buy myself shit, I buy other people shit; it doesn't do anything for me. The strangest thing is, three months ago, things were different. I thought I could be better, I thought I could change [for her].

I took a long drag of the blunt as I felt the memories from that night flood back all at once...


"Gus... What the fuck-"
I stood looking down at the lifeless body beneath me, I felt my shoe glide across the floor and noticed a large pool of blood spilled messily across the marble tiles.

I turned towards the girl, she stood frozen in terror.
"Call a fucking ambulance!" I ordered and she immediately did so.
My heart was pounding deep in my chest.
"Demi!" I shouted loudly. I felt my chest burn.
"Demi!" I repeated.
I ran upstairs, searched every room, shouting her name, yet I never heard her call.
The house was all but empty.
I couldn't find her.
She was gone.
__________End of flashback__________

I searched the whole of the house that night, but she wasn't there. I still remember the feeling, the realisation when it hit me, the deep pain I felt inside me, as if someone had soaked my body in kerosine. I felt it- the fire- my mind burning.

I still hate myself. I hate that I left her there, alone. I hate that I couldn't do anything to protect her. I hate that I don't know what happened to her.
I signed deeply, placing the burning blunt in the ashtray beside me.
One things for sure... dead or alive. I miss her.


Los Angeles police department received a call regarding suspicious activity around an old industrial site near the city.
On arrival, they were met with what one would believe to be an old factory, however as they continued to investigate the area, a series of loud bangs could be heard coming from inside the building.
Making the decision, the chief decided to enter the building. The door metal door was broken down.

The force searched the building and just before the chief was about to clear it, they heard a noise. The voice of woman, a short and crackling cry sounded from below.
The officers made their way to a door positioned adjacent to some old concrete stairs.

When they opened the door, they were met with an image which would frighten many; scar others.
Something that made them ecstatic yet was a situation that any officer upon starting their role, prayed not to see.

The pungent smell of decaying flesh Immediately tingled their nostrils, bodies were piled upon each other, dried blood was splattered across the cold concrete walls and the floor was littered with rot; yet the view of the woman in front of them was much worse.

She was alive - visibly injured, cut, bruised, dirty - but she was alive.

Intoxicated - Lil peepDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora