Honestly (Part 5)

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"Oh my god, this place is so cute!" I said excitedly while jumping out of the car.
"You think so?" Gus said as we both walked towards the entrance.
"Definitely. I love the lights! It's feels cozy - like being at home. " I replied to him and he smiled back at me.

He opened the door and I was immediately met with the sweet smell of food. A woman with short pink hair wearing a uniform came over to us straight straight away. Her face was heavily pierced and you could see her upper arm tattoos that were slightly exposed due to the uniform.

"Good afternoon, can I help you with anything" she asked kindly.
"Yeah, could we get a table for two please?" Gus replied.
I looked around and the place was practically full with all different types of people.
"Course doll, give me a second." The woman said as she walked away to grab some menus.

She sat us down in a red leather booth by the window. You could see the cars flying past on the highway next to us.
"What are you gonna have?" I asked Gus as I looked at the long list of items on the menu.
"Well I usually get the pizza, but I'm feeling something a lil sweeter today." He said raising his eyebrows as we both laughed.
"I think I'll get the chocolate waffles" I stated, putting the menu down on the table.
"Just the chocolate waffles?!?" He looked at me, astonished.
'Now surely you didn't make me drive all this way, just to get that?" He stared deeply into my eyes waiting for my reply.
"Okay I guess I could get something else too." I reasoned.
"What do you recommend?" I asked him, as he was obviously very educated on this subject.
"Cookie dough milkshake." Gus said as he leaned back into the chair.
'Alright that sounds good but, what if I don't finish it?" I asked worrying about the money he was possibly going to waste on me.
"It's a'ight. We can share if you like. I ain't really that hungry anyway." He said shrugging his shoulders.
I nodded back at him.

The pink-haired woman came back and took our order.
"Won't be long." She said before grabbing our menus and walking off.
"She seems sweet." I said quietly to Gus.
"Yeah, she is. Girls been through a lot though." He replied.
His hand was tapping the table.
"How so?" I inquired before realising how rude I was being.
Gus sat quiet for a moment before speaking up.
"She moved to LA when she was 16, was on the streets by her 17th birthday. I saw her outside of a tattoo shop on Main Street, let her stay at mine a couple nights before she got a place in a shared house." He explained.
"That's terrible." I remarked as I looked out the window. It had started to rain at some point while we were here. I guess I didn't notice.
"Yeah. LA ain't all what people say it is. I remember when I first moved here; I had hell of a time adjusting." He spoke while I watched the heavy rain drops fall down the glass pane, creating a bubble of colour as it mixed with the view of headlights from outside.

"What about you?" Gus looked at me.
"What about me?" I replied.
"What's your story." He questioned, his eyes glowing inquisitively.
"There isn't much to tell. I grew up here. I'd been living with my grandma since I was four years old, but she died a couple months ago. I had to move in with one of my friends while I looked for my own place." I replied calmly as I thought about my grandmother.
"I'm sorry." He said looking up at me concerned.
"Thank you. To be fair, it's been tough and I'm really worried about finding somewhere to live. I can't crash at my friends place for ever." I sighed.
"Hey, I told you. You can stay with me; doesn't matter how long for. Fuck your other friends. I got you. Whatever you need, Dem." He said to me, his brown eyes twinkling.
"That means a lot Gustav, really. I promise I won't be in your way for long." I said, feeling slightly better about my situation.
"Don't stress." He replied as his head turned towards the waitress approaching us.

The pink haired woman placed our food and milkshake down on the table.
"Enjoy." She smiled before walking away.

Gus passed me a knife and fork from the cutlery jar. I noticed his hands were shaking.
"What's wrong?" I asked, placing my utensils gently down on the table.
"Huh?" He stared at me, confused.
"You're shaking. Are you alright?" I questioned.
"Yeah of course I am." He reassured as he took a bite of his food.

I don't believe that for a second.

I paused, looking him dead in the eye until he spoke up. He stopped eating and gave me a blank expression.
"I feel anxious" he admitted.
I knew something was wrong.

Leaning forward, I grabbed his trembling hand and wrapped mine around it in attempts to calm him down. His hands were freezing and his fingertips felt like ice.
"I know this is hard for you; adjusting your life to one without the use of drugs. But I am here, I'll be here for you. You aren't gonna go through this alone. That's a promise." I stated while I tightened my grip around his hand for a second.
He sighed, looking down at his lap before brining my hand up to his face and kissing it softly.
"Thank you." He said.

We continued to talk as we ate our food. I tried the cookie dough milkshake and it was nothing short of amazing, in fact, I'm not even sure if I left any for Gus, considering we were supposedly 'sharing'.
Hah. I bet he wouldn't make that mistake again.

We finished our food and Gus placed a 100 dollar bill on the table before he stood up to leave. I followed him out the door, thanking the nice waitress on my way out.

The rain crashed harshly against our backs as we exited the diner, puddles were lying everywhere on the parking lot floor.
"I really enjoyed today. Thank you for taking me out." I said to him as we approached the Black Benz.
"Me too." He replied.
"It's cool spending time with someone who isn't about my money." He stated as he kicked the gravel stones on the ground.
"I didn't even know you had money till you threw that 100 dollar bill on the table." I laughed.
Gus turned to me suddenly, he pushed his pink hair - which was soaking wet from the rain - over his head and out of his eyes.
"I wanna take you one place else before we go home." He said while putting his index finger out to gesture the number.
An innocent smile grew on his face.
"Okay." I said, curious.
You may take me one place else." I responded.
He smirked.

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