Poor thing (Part 12)

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Gus's POV
I looked down in awe at the image on my phone. This girl was so gorgeous. I don't quite know why she hangs round with me; all I know is that I appreciate having her here.
For once I feel like I have a purpose.

Gus: you're beautiful ❤️
Sent : 9:55 PM

I typed a quick message and hit 'send' before placing my slightly smashed iPhone back in my pocket.

Turning my head to the the side, I looked out the window of the car, watching as Tracy approached with a girl around his arm.
Her thin blonde hair sat just above her shoulders and she was wearing a bright pink skirt which stopped about an inch above her knees
I scoffed in response to her poor efforts of trying to look somewhat attractive.

We were on our way home, but one of his [many] whores wanted to stop at a 7/11.
Usually, I wouldn't be bothered by this, but tonight I just wanted to go home and see my girl.  I didn't care about the hoes surrounding me. They're all groupies anyway. I know none of them really care.

Anyway, the thing is, I was starting to feel lost when I wasn't around her which I know can't be good - whatever. I'll let it happen anyway.
No one can break my heart like before.
I won't let it happen again.

The car doors swung open and I was immediately met with the sickening smell of cheap perfume mixed with the suffocating stench of stale cigarettes.

'Gus could you pass me a light please baby?' Asked one of the girls sitting in the back of the car.
I stared into the back, watching from the rear view mirror before holding back my urge to heave and passing her my pink panther lighter.

'Cigarette?' Asked hoe number 1.
'No thanks sweetie' replied hoe number 2 as she pulled out a pale pink crack pipe from her purse and lit it up.

Tracy's eyes met mine for a second, I raised my eyebrows and he laughed loudly.
'Bro...' I started
'We don't speak of this.' He replied as he swiftly put the car into gear, pulling away from the store.

The smoke in the air danced around us before escaping through the window. I watched as it led its path, searching for the nearest exit.
I tried to drown out the cackling of the two girls in the back but I worried my ears would soon start to bleed.
Letting out an irritated sigh, I picked up my phone and plugged it into the aux cord, playing whatever the fuck came up, just as long as it was loud. Doing so I notice the time. It read 10:20PM

I hope Demi isn't angry with me. Then again I doubt she could even get angry. She seemed so angelic to me.

It was no longer than about ten minutes later when we pulled up to the crib. I hopped out and made my way for the front door, leaving Tracy and his sluts to follow behind.

I approached the large white building, a sense of familiarity washed over me in seconds, before it washed away again almost instantaneously.
A shiver ran through my body.

I noticed the house was seemingly quiet, this was something which I was not accustomed to at all - it takes a while for someone surrounded by noise to get used to the bare silence. 

Tracy came up behind me, he stood still on the concrete pavement, a step or two away from me. I felt his eyes hover over me momentarily before he continued to enter the house with the two girls, both interlocking their arms in his.

The door creaked slightly as Tracy pushed it open harshly, it slammed against the walls of the house, echoing its bang. I followed behind him as he entered.

Unsurprisingly, the house was a state. It was messy as fuck, although it seemed more chaotic than usual.

I heard a sharp gasp and turned to one of the girls. Her pale hand was covering her mouth, I watched as she shrieked at the sight in front of her.
Tracy walked over, stepping in front of the girl and gently pushing her out of the way so that he could see.

"Gus... What the fuck-" he shouted.

I made my way over to them both, half expecting to see something underwhelming.

However, my eyes were met with the lifeless body of a woman - her head resting heavily against the glass table beneath her.

My heart started beating intensely.

I looked at Tracy for a moment, meeting his dark brown eyes which were at this point beaming with immense horror, before looking back at the woman in front of us.

I needed to know,
what the fuck

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