4AM in LA (Part 3)

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"Here you go, if you need anything I'll be just down the hall" She said as I stepped into the room and looked around, it smelt strongly of weed but there was also a faint smell of cologne mixed in there too.

"Thanks Lux" I replied.

She smiled and gently closed the light brown door.

The room looked used, the grey curtains were drawn across the large window and I could see old cigarette blunts scattered across the bed side table.
There were piles of cloths draped all over the floor and I could see the faint marks of graffiti on the walls.
The bed did not seem used however, the sheets looked brand new, as though they had never been slept in before.

I walked further into the room and tripped over the wire of an Apple laptop that was plugged in, charging.

"Shit" I cursed as I crabbed on to the chest of draws next to me for support.
Just then, I noticed a piece of clothing sticking out from the top draw, I tugged on it and pulled it out.

It was a white tee that said 'GBC' on the front in large black letters.
I had no idea who's t-shirt it was, but one thing I did know, was that I would not wear this stupid dress any longer.

I quickly slipped out of the dress and left it on the the floor with the other discarded items of clothing.
I placed the shirt over my head and pulled my hair out from under it.
The fabric felt so soft on my skin and the shirt hung loosely around my body.

Tonight had been [if not] the longest night of my life.
I just wanted to sleep, so I decided to get into bed.

Pulling the white covers over my shoulders, I leant into the soft mattress.
The bed was surprisingly comfortable and smelt like fabric conditioner.

I was so tired; I assumed I'd fall straight asleep, as I always did, but for some reason, I could not.

I had spent almost an hour looking up at the ceiling above, thinking about life. My mind wondered uncontrollably, my thoughts left me a prisoner, shackled at the hands of their control.

I turned to the left and looked at the digital alarm clock on the night stand. It read 4:00 AM.

"Fuck" I sighed with irritation.

In one large motion I swung my legs out of the bed and stood up, heading towards the door.
I slowly turned the handle, trying to be as quiet as possible.

I tip toed down the hall way as I attempted to remember the layout of the house, the floor was cold and my feet felt the icy touch of it's marble.

I somehow managed to find my way to the living room, the lights were off and everybody who was here earlier tonight was gone.
They must have left.

The room was empty, as it seemed.
It was nice to have some quiet, but at the same time, I just wanted to hear someone talk.

I made my way to the kitchen and rummaged through the cupboards in efforts to find a glass. My throat was as dry as ever right now.
I opened and closed various different cupboards, they were filled with such random shit.
One of which I came across was filled with those peeps marshmallow snacks, another had just one bowl and one plate in it - does anyone even eat in this house? I wondered.

I had somehow managed to find a glass and I ran it under the cold tap.
I took a sip and left the kitchen, returning to the living room while I carried my glass.
The moonlight shone into the room through the skylight, leaving a square indent of light on the floor, I moved towards it slowly, and looked up. I studied the stars, they were so fascinating, you really could see everything from here.
I stood there in the middle of the room, looking at the stars in the house of a man I barely know.

Intoxicated - Lil peepTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang