On The Road, Going In One Direction ( Louis Tomlinson )

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Hey everybody, this is my first ever fan fiction written on Wattpad so yeah here goes.


My name is Katherine but everyone calls me Kate. At the moment I am standing on the side walk, out the front off the house I use to live in until my parents kicked me out and told me to go do something with my life. So here I am, trying to work out where to go next. My friend Bethany lives 2 blocks from where I am. I pulled out my phone and dialled her number. She answered within 3 rings, "Hello?" Beth's voice rang through the phone. " Hey Beth, its Kate. I have a situation can i stay at your house for a couple of nights?". Beth replied with an excited tone. "Of course you can hun, ill get the spare room ready." Me and Beth had been friends since half way through middle school. We did everything together and could tell each other anything. Whether it involved family or boys, we were there for each other.

After about 15 minutes to half an hour of lugging my bags to Beth's house, I finally arrived. It was only mid afternoon by the time we had set the spare room up. Beth had the idea of going shopping, the only problem was I didnt have any money apart from my last pay check from the job I use to have till I lost that as well. To sum it all up my life wasn't really the best at the moment. "Beth I don't have a lot of money." Beth's family was fairly rich since her dad managed this big boyband at the moment and they were pulling in a fair bit of cash from concerts and touring. "Don't worry about money Kate, I can cover you." " But Beth i can't have you buying me things aswell as letting me stay in your house and eat your food." It didn't feel right her doing all these things for me when I can't pay her back. "Kate, I insist." I didn't really have an option so I just gave in. Me and Beth were 19 so we were both old enough to drive but I didn't own a car where as Beth's dad purchased one for her when she first got her license.

We hopped into her Susuki Swift and headed out to the massive shopping centre in the middle of London. Beth lived about 30 minutes from the centre of London and the traffic wasn't to bad so it was a smooth drive all the way there. As we were walking into the shopping centre. Beth got a call on her phone. It was her dad. I went and sat down on the nearest bench while she took the call. It was around 10 minutes later when Beth came over with a very big grin on her face. "Kate I have some good news. You know how my dad works with that massive boyband, something direction. Well he has invited us to go on tour with them. What do you say, wanna go?" I didn't really know who this boy band were but it seemed like fun and there isn't much else to do. "Sure, when do we leave?" "We leave tonight, when we get back from shopping."

After 2 hours of straight shopping, my feet were killing me. I hadn't bought a lot knowing that Beth would be paying but she bought nearly a hole wardrobes full of summer dresses, skirts, shorts and really lovely shirts. She said that everything she bought she would be taking on tour and it saved her going through her draws and wardrobe looking for outfits. It didn't take us very long to pack. by the time we had left to meet up with Beth's dad, it was only 5pm. As we were sitting in the car I started to get a bit excited. What if these boys where really cute and it was like those fan fiction I had read on Watt pad about the girl falling in love with a famous person. I didn't really think anything like that would happen to me, i'm not really the prettiest girl where as Beth is stunning. She has long flowing dark brown hair and a very slim figure. I had dead straight, blonde hair and my figure wasn't to die for. I guess I was avarage. We pulled up outside the studio and I could see Beth was just as excited as I was.


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