Ch. 9 From one thing to another.

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After Eleanor and I had a short chat, she decided that she better go to not make things worse. As she left, I gave her a hug to confirm that her coming here was right.

As I walked Eleanor to the door, I found that Louis, harry and Danielle had left to go to the concert. Beth was sitting and watching tv. "Why didn't she go to the concert?" I thought.

"It was nice meeting you Eleanor, maybe we could catch up some time?" I ask as she makes her way out the door.

"I would like that, lovely meeting you Kate. Goodnight." She replies and with that I say goodbye and close the door.

"Why didn't you go to the concert Beth?" I ask, curious.

"I felt it would be wrong to leave you here and go off to your ex boyfriends concert" She said with a very cautious tone. I'm lucky to have Beth as a friend but something wasn't guite right with the way she was acting.

"Your to kind Beth, but is something wrong, you seem agitated?" I ask with a wearing voice.

Beth got up and headed for the kitchen. That's when she grabbed out an apple and began to eat it.

"Well.." I state, wanting an answer.

"I have something to tell you and you will never forgive me for it." She said with a hesitance in her voice.

"Come one Beth, we have been friends for ages. It can't be that bad." I reply.

"Oh it is, well you know that horrible night that Louis had to pick you up because of what had happened?"

"Well of course. How could I forget?"

"The reason Louis took so long to call you to find out where you were was because..armm..."

She was struggling to finish her sentence. What she did can't be any worse then what happened that night....can it?

"I armm..well.." She shakely said.

"Common, just say it."

"I slept with Louis that night." She bursted out.

At first I didn't think I heard correctly.

"You did what?" I ask.

"When Louis came back from the evening with you, we had already checked into the hotel so he came to say hello when I was unpacking my stuff. When he walked in he seemed very sad about something so we sat down and started to talk then bam, he was on top of me."

"I can't believe what I'm hearing."

"I'm so sorry Kate."

"No! While I was being rapped in a dark alleyway you were sleezing around with the guy you knew dam well liked me! Some friend you are." I yell with pure hatred.

"I know and I feel horrible that's why I told you."

"And out of all nights you choose tonight when we had only just broken up, great timing. Maybe you should have thought more about the consequences of telling me now rather then what you felt. I don't even want to look at you!"

I jump up from the kitchen stool and head for the door.

"Don't leave Kate, can we talk through this?" I hear her yell from the room I was just in.

"Shut up whore!"

And with that I walked out and slammed the door behind me.

On The Road, Going In One Direction ( Louis Tomlinson )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora