Ch. 6 Maybe I would like to call you my girlfriend.

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I woke up the next morning and walked out into the kitchen. My stomach was screaming for food since I didn't eat last night. "why is no one awake yet?" I thought. I grabbed a chocolate bar and heading towards Beth's room. As I opened the door I noticed she wasn't there. I looked at the clock, it read 11:30am. They have gone out since the boys have a day off before the concert tomorrow.

I didn't want to go out looking for them since what happened last night. So I decided to sit and watch a movie. I looked through the movie rack and found the notebook. Before the movie started I ordered a large bowl of ice cream. Shame I wasn't old enough to drink here yet. Sucks being 19 and being in a city this big...

(I haven't stated what city they are in so you can think of one yourself :))

...As the movie started I got comfortable and grabbed a box of tissues knowing I would end up crying.

2 Large bowls of ice cream, a whole box of tissues and a sad movie later someone knocked on the door. I jumped up off the couch and opened the door. It was Louis. "Where are the other lads" I said.

"There out shopping, but I thought I would come and see if you were alright" he replied.

"That's sweet that you left them for me. I just finished watching a movie, do you wanna join me for another?"

I ask.

"Of course" he says.

After 15 minutes of choosing a new movie and deciding with grease we sat down with a large bowl of popcorn. I slightly moved over and put my head onto Louis' shoulder. He moved closer to me and put his arm around my waist. I felt so safe and secure. He made wanna smile and that's all that matters right now.

I woke up to my head lying on Louis' lap and his arm laying on my chest. he was fast asleep. The movie had finished and the tv had just a black screen. I could see our reflections through the tv and it just felt so right but my head was telling me to run as far as I could, just get away. I decided to get up and see if anyone had gotten back. As I got up I kissed his cheak and layed a blanket over him.

I had a look around and everyone else was still out, probably partying. My stomach started grumbling, sounds like a good idea to make dinner. I decided to cook some 2 minutes noodles, simple but effective. As I was cooking I felt to strong arms rap around my waist. I turned around and saw Louis staring at me with those blue eyes piercing into mine. All of a sudden our lips are connected. But this time I don't pull away. I pull my arm up and start playing with the back of his hair as the kiss becomes more passionate. We seperated to take a breath and smile at eachother."I have been wanting to do that all day" Louis says with a smirk.

"What does this mean now?" I ask. Do we tell the lads or keep it to ourselfs. "Well I would love for you to be my girlfriend?" He says.

"Maybe I would like for you to be my boyfriend" I state. "Well its official" As he says this I pull him into another passionate kiss. I don't know if this is right but for the time being my heart is saying "Go for it!."

On The Road, Going In One Direction ( Louis Tomlinson )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora