Ch. 3 Was that Louis Tomlinson flirting with me?

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I will start this chapter with an inspirational quote "Just close your eyes and enjoy the rollarcoaster that is life <3"


"what is that smell?" I thought. it smelt amazing. I rolled over. Where am I because I am certainly not on the couch. I was in someone's bed. Then I realized how I ended up here. After Louis told me what Eleanor did, I went and gave Louis a massive hug. We then ended up walking over to his bunk after a long chat. I couldbt go to bed on the couch because the guys where still playing FIFA so Louis offered for me to sleep with him. I remember him saying that he would need the comforting.

I got out of the bed and headed towards the kitchen. I found harry cooking. That was a surprise because I didn't think any of them cooked. He was cooking bacon and eggs. "Breakfast is ready!" Harry yells. then comes storming in all 4 boys and Beth. We had a situation there weren't enough seats at the table for 7 people. It was only a 6 seater table. Why is everything only slowing six people. I decided that no one was going to offer to sit some where else so I grabbed my food and headed for the lounge area. "I'll come sit with you Kate, then you're not alone" Louis exclaims. "Okay, thanks."

We walked towards the lounge and took a seat sitting right next to each other. As we were eating we decided to watch what was on tv. "There is nothing on tv these days." Louis comentated. "Well not at this time of the morning, it is 6." I stated. We had arrived at our location while we were sleeping and we had to meet for rehearsals at the arena at 7:30. It was going to be one busy day.

As I sat next to Louis I felt our legs touch and some kind of sparks fly. What was that? Did he feel it to? "oh well." I thought. As we finished our food we started having a conversation on how amazing carrots are. Seriously carrots. Yeah they were tasty but this guy LOVED them.

We sat there talking for ages. We could sit there all day and talk but then I noticed the clock read 7:15 and I need to get changed. I was still in my clothes from last night. I threw on some simple jeans and a billabong shirt with my red vans. I wasn't the most stylish person I do admit. I grabbed my tooth brush and tooth paste and headed for the bathroom. As I walked into the bathroom I stumbled into and tanned figure with a very firm chest. I looked up to find Louis in just pants and he had just finished brushing his teeth. We stood there for a few secounds in each others arms. It just felt so right. We had gotten to know each other so much in the past night and morning. Louis then looks at me and kisses me on the cheek. "What was that for?" I ask, feeling confused. did this mean he was becoming attracted to me or just a friendly kiss on the cheek. "It looked like your face needed kissing" he said with a smirk then walked off. Did Louis Tomlinson, the sass masta from doncasta (what Beth calls him, I don't guite understand why) just flirt with me.


Sorry it is so short.

Check out Love4Tomlinson1 works for when me and a friend release a fan fiction together. The idea for this fan fiction is amazing. First 2 chapters with be posted very soon :)

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Keep eating your greens!

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