Ch. 7 Why are you back?

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the time flew and before we knew it the lads and Beth were back. "Where have you been" I ask Beth. The other lads didn't stay long. you could see they were smashed so they went to bed. "We went out to various clubs. it was so much fun. What happened with you while we were gone. I see you were spending some quality bonding time with non other the Louis Tomlinson." After she said this I heard a wolf whistle come from the kitchen. Harry hadn't gone back to his and Louis' room yet. "Go back to your room styles!" I yell at him. "Maybe I like it here!" he yells back in reply. I don't bother yelling anything back. "Anyway, yeah me and Louis' did do some bonding watching movies. We may have taken it that step further."

"You had sex, you horny little monkey!"Beth cuts me off.

"No way, not that far but we are now an item I guess you could say."

"I knew this would happen, you to will be cute together. Well I'd better get some sleep. Goodnight future Mrs Tomlinson." Beth says.

"Haha, goodnight Beth." I simply say in reply.

During the night I felt my blankets move to find someone crawling into my bed next to me. I opened my eyes to find Louis rapping his arms around my waist. I lowered my head so it was on his chest and fell asleep. I was so comfortable. He was so boyfriend was so comfortable.

The next morning we told the rest of the lads our news. they were ecstatic to find out but as beth was, they were waiting for it to happen. As we sat and ate breakfast that Beth kindly cooked for us, Louis kept placing his hand on my thigh and slightly squeezing it. Was he trying to make me moan infront of Beth. That would be a bit embarrassing. We finished breakfast and Louis had the idea to go for a stroll. I hadn't been outside since the insident. But I needed to get my confidence up so I could go to the concert tonight.

As we were walking, Louis linked my hand with his. "What about paparazzi?" I asked.

"Let them take there pictures." he replied.

And that's exactly what they did. I bet within the hour we will be all over Twitter. Twitter is one thing I never got. I just didnt think I would need it and from what I heard happened to Eleanor with Twitter and receiving hate, I don't think I won't it.

After 1 hour of roaming the streets we arrived back at the hotel. The boys were being picked up in a car at the time to head to the arena. Louis gave me a kiss on the lips and headed off with the boys. I heard wolf whistles coming from there direction and just rolled my eyes. Boys will be boys.

I heard that Danielle, Liam's girlfriend had flown in from London and was seeing the boys tonight aswell. It would be good to have another girl around apart from Beth. I love her and all but spending everyday seeing her, its good to meet new people.

As I opened the door to my room, I heard a few people talking. I recognized Beth's voice but who were the other two female voices. I walked into the lounge room to find two very pretty women sitting next to Beth. "Who are these two?" I ask beth with a smile on my face. "This is danielle and..."

Beth was about to finish before she was rudely interrupted by this girl.

"I'm Eleanor Calder."

On The Road, Going In One Direction ( Louis Tomlinson )Where stories live. Discover now