Ch. 4 Shouldn't be out by yourself at night time.

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Twitter: @Love4Tomlinson

I will start with my favorite quote "They say curiosity killed the cat"


The clock struck 7:15 and we headed towards the arena for the boys rehearsal. It was guite cold outside so I had a warm adidas jumper on.

As we exited the bus, a large wave of screaming came our way. I looked to my right to find a massive mob of fans blocked by a barricade. The guys go through this everyday, wow. We followed some people into the building and towards the stage for rehearsals. As we walked in, I took a seat on one of the audiance seats and pulled out my book from my bag. I had packed a few books for the tour. Reading was a place I could go when I was stressed or tired from what was happening around me. I decided to pack Twilight for today's entertainment. Oh how I wish I had a relationship like Edward and bellas, apart from the whole Edward being a sparkling vampire bit. Just the way they loved each other so much. I hope that someone loves me that way some day. I opened my book and started to read when I heard someone take a seat next to me. "Hey" I hear a strong husky voice. "Hey Harry, what's up. shouldn't you be rehearsing?" I reply.

"Yeah, but I wanted to talk to you for a moment if you don't mind" He said. "Of course, what's on your mind?" I question. "I just wanted to say that I think Louis fancys you" It took me a moment to think about this. "no he doesn't, he only just broke up with Eleanor and what she did to him, I don't think so."

"He wouldn't just tell anyone something like that, he normally keeps that kind of stuff to himself. Also the way he looks at you, its obvious" Well it obviously isn't that obvious because I don't think someone like him would like someone like me. Before I came on tour with them, I didnt even no who they were. "Harry, get your arse over here. We need to rehearse!" yells Zayn. I look towards the boys and notice Louis looking at me then looking at Harry. from his facial appearance he looked...well...jealous. Does he fancy me?

4 hours went by and the boys had finally finished rehearsals. "Let's go to Starbucks" Liam exclaims. "sounds like a plan" we state. We decided to walk since we had been stuck in an arena for 4 hours, it was good to get fresh air. As we were walking, Louis comes and walks next to me. "Hey, do you wanna go somewhere else and the lads can go to Starbucks?" Louis asks.

"Where did you have in mind?" I reply.

"Maybe just a walk around the park?"

"Yeah, sounds like a good idea"

We inform the lads on what's happening and head off. It was silent for most of the way there but it was a comfortable silence. not an awkward one that you would expect after being told that a very dashing lad named Louis Tomlinson may fancy you. When we arrived at the park, we took a seat down on one of the benches. At first I looked at the lake before us. it was so beautiful with all the ducks and water lillies. I turned my head to look at Louis to find him staring at me. That's not creepy or anything. "What's up?" I ask.

"I want to do something but I don't know if I should." He says in reply. what could he want to do. "And what's that?" I say. "This" he says before moving forward and locking our lips. At first I was gobsmacked but then I realised that I shouldn't be doing this. I push Louis away. He only just broke up with Eleanor, his head isn't thinking right and I can't lead him on anymore. "I can't do this Louis, we havnt known each other very long and you just got out of a long term relationship" I say with a slightly shaky voice. "But I feel as if I have known you forever, and I need to move on from what happened."

For some reason I felt a bit mad. I started to feel as if I was a rebound girl. How could he fancy me so soon after meeting. I got up and said " It's only been a week, I think you need a bit longer and I don't want to be your rebound girl." I walked off in the opposite direction towards the street. It was becoming dark and I didnt know my way around. I looked in the distance and didn't know where I was. I must have gone left when I got to the street outside the park. dammit, now that I remember I should have gone right. As I stroll down the walk way, the street lights start to turn on and more clubs start appearing. Loud music is playing as I pass them. they are also filled with drunken people. I don't think its a good idea someone my age, being so young, walking around this area of a major city alone. It has now become dark and if it wasn't for those street lights and neon billboards I wouldn't be able to see where I was going. As I walked past a dark alleyway, someone grabs my arm and I am inclosed into the darkness. "let go of me!" I yell. As my eyes adjust to the darkness I notice its a man in his late twentys and he smells of strong alcohol. by this time I felt as if I was shitting bricks. I was so scared. He started tracing his hands down my waist to my thighs while using his other hand to firmly hold my wrist which stopped me from getting away. "If you scream, I will slit your throat" He says very grogily. As he says this he pulls out a pocket knife and pulls it up to my throat. I don't say a word affraid that he will use it, I just nod. He unzips my jacket and pulls it off then chucks it at the ground. He starts pulling up my shirt and tracings his finger up my stomach. I tryed to move back to stop him touching me but he just held his knife up as a warning. He kicks my leg so I fall to the ground and starts to unzip his pants. By now I was so scared that I couldn't do anything but sit there frozen. I was so scared he would kill me in this dark and very dirty alleyway.

Half an hour later, I find my self lying in the alleyway crying my eyes out. my clothes had been torn and I had bruises all over my body. At that moment my phone rings. It's Louis. I think for a moment on whether I answer it and tell him what happened or I sit here alone and hope that it all goes away. I click the green button on my phone and bring it up to my soaked cheak. "Lou, louis" I stutter. "Kate, where are you its 9pm, you shouldn't be out this late by yourself!" he yells through the phone. "I..I wa..was.r" I couldn't say it, I was so ashamed. "You were what Kate, what happened, why does it sound like you have been crying?" He clearly states through the phone. I should just say it, get it over and done with.

"I was..arm.. raped."

On The Road, Going In One Direction ( Louis Tomlinson )Where stories live. Discover now