Ch. 5 Physically its bad but mentally its worse.

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Twitter: @Love4Tomlinson1

"They don't know about the things we do, they don't know about the I love yous" -They don't know about us, 1D


After we manage to work out where I am, Louis comes and gets me. After 30 minutes of hanging up the phone with Louis, I hear footsteps heading towards me. I pull my legs in and hope its not that horrible man again. As the person comes closer I notice the Brown swepted hair and rolled up chinos with toms. It's Louis. "thank god" I thought to myself. As soon as I noticed it was him, I got up and ran into his arms. I needed this hug. whether it was Louis or one of the other guys, they made me feel safe.

"I feel horrible, this was my fault." Louis says after a few moments of silence.

"How is it your fault, I was the stupid one that walked off and got lost." I just managed to say.

"But I'm the one that let you leave the park." He replied.

After he said that I wasn't in the mood to talk so I just said "get me out of here." I said it just loud enough for Louis to hear.

One Directions management had booked hotel rooms since we where going to be here for another 2 days. The boys would share rooms each then me and Beth would share a room. As I walked into my hotel room I found that all the boys where in mine and Beth's room on the couch.

"OH MY GOD, Kate are you okay!?" Beth yells and runs towards me enveloping me into her hug. I flinched a little bit because my body hurt from all the bruises. I decided on the way back with Louis that I would tell the boys and Beth tomorrow when I had more strength and more in the mood for socialising. "I'm going to bed." Is all I stated before walking towards the rooms. The hotel room was massive. it had a full loung room and kitchen with table and chairs then two nicely sized bedrooms. I walked past one room that had the door open and noticed it was Beth's from all her stuff. I walked into the next available room. As I walked in I closed the door then pulled out some pyjamas from my suitcase that someone had kindly brought in for me. I pulled put some shorts and a singlet. As I got changed I looked at myself in the mirror. I noticed all the bruises especially the ones on my wrists from him grabbing me. They were also all up my legs and on my stomach from when he pushed me to the ground when I tryed getting away. As I got changed I noticed we had our own bathrooms and thought a shower would be a great idea before bed. it would help me get to sleep. After half an hour of standing in the shower and letting the hot water run down my back. I got out and walked into my room with only underwear on. As I walked out someone came into my room. "Kate, are you in here?"

By the time I noticed they where already looking at me, I quickly grabbed ny shirt and covered me. I was more worried about covering up my bruises then they wouldn't ask questions. "Harry, you need to learn to knock before you walk into people's rooms." I say.

"I'm so sorry but I'm more concerned on why you have bruises all over your body?"

Oh great, now I have to explain the traumatizing story to Harry after explaining it to Louis earlier on.

by the time I had finished explaining, we were sitting on my bed (yes I had gotten dressed). Harry hugged me and Iayed my head in the crook of his neck. we sat there for a few minutes. "Get into bed, you need some sleep babe."

Babe...babe, why did he call me babe? Does he call everyone babe? I hoped into bed. Harry kissed me on the forehead and headed for the door. "Goodnight, Kate." he says before turning off the light. Harry was so calm about the situation and listened to everything I said. He knew it was hard for me to say. Half the time he was rubbing my back and telling me its alright. I want someone like that in my life. Not necessarily Harry though. For now I need to get some sleep.

On The Road, Going In One Direction ( Louis Tomlinson )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang