Imagine Finn's Birthday

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An odd request...
A very odd request.

"He wants... what, exactly?" you asked, raising a very curious eyebrow.

"A dinosaur cake. Green grass, Dino's, the whole shabbang." Seth answered you over the phone. You'd set him up to get intel on what Finn wanted for his birthday. You expected 'lego,' or 'a stuffed giraffe.' No... A dinosaur cake.

"Fine... I won't question." You ended the call with a chuckle, hanging your head as you leaned on the counter. It was going to be a long day indeed..


"Y/N, I'm home! Seth took me out fer lunch, and... and..."

"And?" You smiled, almost a smile of mischief, a small stripe of green icing on your cheek. You licked some of the sugary substance off your finger, standing behind the countertop that held up a round Dino cake.
He couldn't help but drop his jacket, chuckling as he stepped into the kitchen further, pulling you into a hug. You squeaked when he licked the icing from your face, humming. "Tastes like perfection... I love it."

"I love you, you goof. Now dig in, birthday boy.." You held up the cake so he could blow out the candles, which he did, almost proudly.

"Don't have to tell me twice."

Finn Balor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now