Imagine Finn when Someone Hurts You

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Slight trigger warning on this one. Nothing severe. Remember, you're all perfect❤


"He could do better."
Words. That's all they were. Words. Not one of them was true, but you felt as though they were. As you stood in the mirror, in your bra and panties, you couldn't help but cry. You tried your best to be quiet. Finn was in the shower, humming along to one of his favorite songs; and, here you were, crumbling into pieces.

The words kept stinging. You couldn't look anymore. You crawled into bed, wanting to fall asleep, to forget the lies you'd been fed and told to believe. You heard the water shut off, and you tensed a little. Finn had a match tomorrow night, and you didn't want to upset him or throw him off of his game.

He pushed the bedroom door open, only wearing sweatpants. You didn't think to clean up your face, which was now tear streaked.

For the third night in a row. Kudos to Finn, for being loving, patient, and everything you needed. He was quick to crawl into bed. He knew someone was picking on you recently, but he didn't know how, or who it was. All he knew was that you were hurting. Bad.

"Lass... Please, just tell me... I'll take care of it. I'll make it go away for good.." He offered, and tonight, you cracked.

As he scrolled through the messages from Joe (which, you never answered), his face grew red. Not a blush, no. It was anger. He was quick to block him, not even sending him a warning on what was to come. As for now, he had some cheering up to do.

He pulled you into his chest as you cried. His heartbeat was soothing as he hushed you, his fingers running through your hair, brushing it from your face.

"I've got you, love... No need ta feel this way... You're beautiful. Precious. Perfect, a princess.. All mine. I couldn't do better if it stared me in the face, because all I'd see is you.." He spoke calmly.

It didn't take you long to fall asleep. Tomorrow would be a long day.

But, you had to admit it. As you sat front row at the show, nothing sent your heart thumping more than angry Finn. He'd totally blown Joe's story line, racing out to the ring in his T-shirt. Noticing this wasn't apart of the act, Refs got involved, holding Finn back the best they could. Finn still got a few hits in, yelling and raising hell. It was hard to hear, but you made a few statements out...

"I'll kick yer fucking arse! Watch me!"

"You ever speak to her again, I'll beat yer 'ead in!"

"Watch yer fuckin' back!"

It sent you into a small fit of giggles. When you met later that night, he looked satisfied with himself.

"Feel better, Fergal?" You asked with a smile, your arms linked together.
"Only if you do, princess." He stated, leaning down to kiss your head.

What'd you ever do to deserve this Irish boy?

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