Imagine Caring for Finn and Seth

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Finn's shoulder. Seth's leg. Both were injured, and both men were needy. Food, blankets, drinks, the remote... What was next, a warm bottle and a bedtime story?

All jokes aside, you loved caring for them both. You were in a relationship with Finn, but you both agreed that Seth was sort of a third party. It was hard to explain, but it was nice; the extra company, the affection from both men, the way they hung out and let you get your work done without pestering. If one wasn't being affectionate, the other was. It worked out.

"Y/N!!" Seth called out, followed by a giggle.
"Y/N!" Finn called, and the two laughed. You rolled your eyes, bringing them their cooled-off bowls of mac n cheese.
The two sat up excitedly, food shutting them up. You couldn't help but hide a giggle, sitting down on the bed beside Seth, who put his free hand on your thigh. You noticed Finn roll his eyes, jokingly, and chimed in.
"Your only hand is being used to shovel noodles into your mouth." You stated, leading Seth to nearly choke on his food.
It pulled a laugh from Finn aswell, who shrugged with his good shoulder.

The two were done after a few minutes, adjusting their injured parts onto their corresponding pillows.
"You should bring yerself here and we can watch a movie." Finn smiled, and you complied. You stood and sat beside him, remote in hand.

"We should watch UP."
"No, we should watch the Lego movie?" Finn countered, raising a brow.
"Oh should we?" Seth sassed. Oh boy... here they go. Before they could even begin, you planted a kiss on Finn's lips. He visibly calmed down, back into his pillows. You heard a small huff and pulled away, making your way to Seth, giving him the same treatment.
Once they were calmed down, they agreed on watching both movies. Seth won rock paper scissors, so UP came first. You got a bright idea, and pushed their beds together, the side table now in the corner. You laid beside Finn, Seth moving an arm to play with your hair.

What would you do if you weren't taking care of your boys?

Finn Balor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now