Imagine Training with Finn

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"Ten more!" Finn announced excitedly, slightly breathless himself. You two were doing pull-ups, and you didn't mind pushing your limits just as far as he did. You loved showing off.

But, what you loved more than showing off, was when Finn showed off. His arms flexed as he worked to pull up, his chin just barely tapping the bar before he repeated. Down, up, down, up...

You dropped down as you finished, wiping your forehead on your [y/f/c] towel.

"Lay down on the yoga mat." He spoke up, and you raised an eyebrow.

"What?" You asked, putting a lid on your water bottle.

"The mat. Go ahead, lay down, lass." He smiled, his accent thick, which was normal after a workout. He flashed a grin, full of mischief, but you didn't question. You two had the gym to yourself, but you knew how to be responsible. You came to rest, back against the cool material; and, to your dismay, he sat in push-up position overtop of you.

"Count for me." He smiled, his eyes bright. You were catching on now, rolling your eyes at your dorky boyfriend.

"One." You counted as he came down, kissing your left cheek. You couldn't help but blush a bright red. So innocent and childish, he never quite realized what he could do to someone, especially you.
"Two." This time, your right cheek.
"Three." Your nose...
"Four." Your forehead...
"Fi-" Your lips. You couldn't help but giggle, leading him to laugh and roll off from above you. He stood and helped you up, hugging you tight.

"Where would I be without you, Mo grá?"

Finn Balor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now