Imagine Finn seeing your new Ring Gear

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"So pretty"
"I'm jealous!"
"I love the colors" The divas spoke, all swooning over your new ring attire. The frilly bottoms, the matching sneakers, the top that made your chest appear... bigger. They all loved your new look, but Becky truly was the voice of reason.

"Don't you think Finn might... find it, showy? A little revealing? He trained me, after all, I know how he thinks..." She bit her lip, raising an eyebrow. She was completely right. You and Finn had been dating for 5 months, and you knew he could be a bit jealous sometimes. He trusted you... Just not your best friend.

"I think she looks entirely fine, dressing up this way and making her own decisions." Seth spoke, grinning. Becky swallowed hard and nodded, parting ways as you walked down the hall with Seth.

You two were laughing at some joke when Finn spotted you. He grinned... and then licked his lips... and then felt his cheeks burn, seeing Seth so close to you. He was quick to wrap an arm around your waist, pulling you close subtly. Just enough for Seth to take note.

"I tink it looks lovely on her... But, t'en again, so does lingerie. Both of which should stay in my hotel room.." He said almost quietly, watching as Seth nodded and chuckled awkwardly, wandering back into the crowd of others.

"You're a tease, Y/N, you know t'at?" He whispered against your ear, sending shivers down your spine.

Oh, boy, what did you do...

Finn Balor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now