Imagine Finn when Fans Diss You

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It was a known fact all around the WWE. You and Finn were officially a couple, in and out of the ring. Men everywhere applauded him, while women everywhere hated you. They were all jealous and selfish, wanting Finn to be lonely so they could have a (very slim) chance with him.

It was your big day. A title match against Charlotte, a chance at changing your stars and bringing a title to your growing name. You and Finn were both nervous and excited. He was talking you into it, hyping you up, loving you. He kissed all over your face, making you laugh and playing shove him before pulling him in by his t-shirt.

"I'll be ringside the whole time, right after I talk ta' Hunter. I'll be down as soon as yer match starts, mo grá." He smiled, looking into your eyes. You loved when he stood ringside.

"Oh, Fergal..." You teased, using his real name instead of his stage name. It showed you were sincere, but also showed him how cheesy he sounded.

"What?! A lad can't show love?" He raised a brow, chuckling after, hugging you close.

"Three minutes. Get ready." A staff member warned you, tapping your shoulder before they kept walking.

"I suppose I should get going..." You said, sighing with exaggeration as you started to tiptoe away from him. You smirked as he huffed.

"But not without this." You said with a giggle as you turned and pulled him in for a kiss. For good luck, he always said.

"Tat's better.." He smiled, before gently pushing a hand on your lower back.
"Now go get 'em, tiger." He sassed, leading you skipping and giddy as you made your way to the gorilla.


The bell rang. The match began. You surveyed your opponent closely, looking for any weakness, any opening. Anything. You weren't focused on the crowd at all, but someone was...

"Stupid bitch!"

Finn heard behind him. 'Ignore it,' he thought. It wasn't worth being penalized...


"Shut the fuck up, Bitch!" Finn snapped, looking down at the screaming crowd of teenage girls. And they did. They're mouths closed in shock as they blinked, looking at each other.

Finn was ringside now, and you could see him, clearly angry. Fuming, even. It was actually adorable, and it was enough motivation to pin the champ, earning your title.

As you celebrated, Finn brightened a little bit, but you could tell he had some choice words as he grabbed a mic, rolling into the ring. He first hugged you. Then held your arm up. By then, your music cut, and slowly, he began to speak.

"Y/N..." he said, the crowd quieting to hear his next words.

"My beautiful... successful... spontaneous girlfriend. Now a champ. But nothing has changed except the belt in your hands... Because you were MY win." He stated, dropping the mic as he picked you up, twirling you before kissing you.

What a show off... But you loved him, no matter what.

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