Imagine Finn Seeing you for the First Time

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It was your debut. It was finally the day. You had passed NXT, and had a match set against Carmella in an hour. The show wasn't started yet, so superstars were still arriving, pouring in the door occasionally.

"Nervous yet?" Naomi joked, a grin on her features. You shook your head, almost flustered from nerves.

"What kind of question is that? Of course I am.. It's my first time in the big leagues." You answered, Nia nodding in agreement beside you.

"Let her go, she's new to this... And all the new boys..." She winked, chuckling as you shoved her shoulder.

"If you'll either come with me or excuse me, I need to go get dressed." You sassed, waiting a moment before skipping down the hall, the adrenaline a bit too much to handle. What you didn't notice was how Finn looked at you...

'Is she new...?' He thought, trying not to let his eyes wander too much. He knew he was starring... But he just couldn't stop. Your shorts, your tank top, the way the outfit looked on you... It made him blush. When he made eye contact with Naomi, he knew he'd been caught. He blushed a rose red and put his head down, causing Naomi to laugh to herself.

"Hey Y/N, I think you have a new reason to be nervous!" She called.

It was going to be a long night.

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