Imagine Finn and Seth Flirting with you

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You were impressive.
To cut to the chase, you were impressive.

Although new to Monday Night Raw, you had already proved your worth, defeating Charlotte once, Sasha twice, Naomi once, and Alexa twice. You were tough, and men backstage started to take note of this. Specifically two boys, cheeky and goofy. Finn and Seth.

You had just won your match against Carmella, and as you stood in the ring, waving to the fans, a new theme began to play. Finn's.
It took you a moment, but when you saw him walking towards the ring, you raised an eyebrow.

To confuse you even more, when he got to the bottom of the ramp, Seth's theme began to play.
He definitely wasn't as slow, practically barreling down the ramp. When he got to Finn, he whispered something that made the two laugh. You rolled your eyes and obtained a mic as the theme cut off.

"And... What, exactly, are you two doing out here on this lovely Toronto day?" You asked, and the fans went nuts. You smirked. It went away, though, as they climbed into the ring and looked you over with grins.

"We're here to invite you." Seth started, smiling mischievously.
"To the after party?" Finn asked, pulling a chuckle from Seth.
"Yes.... And, a tag team match." Seth finished, pulling a smile from you.

"Against who? I'll take on anyone." You boasted, licking your top lip.

"She can take me on anyday." Finn said outside of the mic, leading you to blush as Seth looked shocked, chuckling under his breath.

"The miztourage. And Ruby Riot." Finn said more seriously, and you cracked your knuckles.

"When and where?" You grinned.
"Next Sunday at TLC." Seth answered, approaching you, Finn following behind. You took a step back, raising a brow.

"But until then, we've got some time to buzz." Finn grinned. On the count of three, the boys hoisted you up so that you sat on their shoulders. "I guess that's all for now." You announced to the crowd, shrugging as you tossed the mic down in the ring.

As they carried you backstage, you couldn't help but smile and roll your eyes. You may have found the boys you'd finally settle with.

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