Imagine Defensive Finn

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You and Finn had been friends for years. 3, to be exact. And during one of those years, despite your crush on the Irish fighter, you had settled for someone else. You settled for another fighter named Tyler. He was no where near as skilled as Finn, and no where near as nice...

"You need to leave." You warned, opening your dressing room door, not  noticing Fergal directly down the hall.

"I said, No. You need to take me back. You're nothing without me, and-"

"Other way around, Tyler," you snapped through grit teeth, "You're nothing without me. Get out." You raised your voice. On his way out, he tried to hug you, or touch you. You couldn't tell, and you didn't care to find out.

"Get out!" You screamed, leading Fergal to finally run towards your room. As he slowed and met Tyler, face to face, he promptly asked...

"Is t'er a problem here? Perhaps a verbal miscommunication?"

Finn was noticibly short. Not by a lot, but he was also clearly stronger. Tyler huffed and kept his mouth shut as he walked away. You couldn't help but hug Finn, who held you as if you were in real danger.

"Finn, calm down.. I can handle Ty-"

"I'm going to fucking knock him out!" He spat, flexing as he grew angrier and more frustrated. It pulled a giggle from your lips.

"You're adorable when you're defensive.."

"Hush, lass..."

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