When Love Happens

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I held mom's hand on the drive from the airport to kaduna she kept on squeezing it I am sure it looks like a deflated ballon already.

Muhammad was sitting in the front seat Sadiq was driving I and mom were seated in the back.

Muhammad turned back "it's going to be alright Aunty Sauda" he gave her a smile but mom did not seem convinced
Dad could not make it since he didn't have an entry Visa and the trip came up suddenly no time to process any visa so we left him with Jas but he is working on it.

"It took a tragedy to bring me back home." I heard mom say
"I can't believe I didn't get to say goodbye"
Tears started rolling down her eyes again
"I don't even know how many family members have passed since my leaving"
"What do I do?"

"Just pray for her. That's what she needs from you right now" I spoke softly to her
"But where do I start from, how will I do it?" She asked skeptically
"Just take it as it comes mom, besides we are here for you.
"Ya Allah" and that's all she said through out the journey to kaduna.

End Flash back


Present Day

I felt a worm like pattern being drawn from my earlobe down my nape and then back up again then a light tug on my earlobe.
"Wake up beautiful"
I opened my eyes. I must have dosed off on the short trip here.
"I love it when you smile"
I didn't even realize I was smiling
I nodded
"Should we go back?"
I shook my head
"Are you sure?"
I nodded again
He took my chin in his hand
"Talk to me sweetheart"
I smiled " I like your Outfit "
"Thank you. I love yours more. Are you ready?" Muhammad asked.

I was resting my head on the car headrest with my eyes shot. Thinking back on how we started and our journey all leading to this ultimate moment of our lives.

He raised his palm up to me with a wide reassuring smile and I took his hand and smiled back feeling so much braver with him by my side and a lot less tired

Together   I thought

He unlocked the door and it was opened suddenly from the outside with flash lights going off and so many merry cheers.

"A portrait" one of the photographers called and another series of flash went off. After like a minute of that Muhammad stepped out from the car but never letting go of my hand as he helped me out and adjusted my dress for me.

We stood for another photo session while Khairat adjusted my train which was quite long.

We did small wedding back at home for my family and friends there and decided to do another wedding in Nigeria since the family  here is quite large in number and i said i wanted a big wedding.

My dress was truly beautiful made with beaded lace and the softest satin it came with a long sheer flowing veil and a tiara clipped to the veil. grandmama picked it for me.

My hairstyle was a little on the conservative side just a little flip in front and some artistry curly bun at the back.

Muhammad was dressed in a crispy off white brocade with black and silver embroidery. He looked absolutely dashing.

Masha Allah.

"Amarya Kin sha kyau ango ka sha kamshi" a very boisterous man announced
"A bada hanya. Takawanki lafiya Gimbaya sarauniyar zuciyan Muhammad"

A woman came and started ululating. It was a ruckus and I held on to Muhammad's hand firmly.
I think he felt my growing unease cause he gripped my hand tighter and pulled me closer to him.

When Love Happens  ( Hausa love story)Where stories live. Discover now