#5: Park Jimin

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Summary: Your best friend, Park Jimin has a crush on you, but you are oblivious to the fact that he likes you. He gives subtle hints to let you know, but you still don't take the hint. When an opportunity arises for Jimin he ends up asking you to join him and instead, you decide to let your friend take your place because what better way then to get your best friend and your friend together? Thinking that your friend was enjoying her time with Jimin, you suddenly discover that something's wrong, and you can't stop it from happening because you were too late.

Y/N: Your name

F/N: Your friend's name


"One tall green tea frappe please," the customer told you and you nodded writing his name down on a cup.

"It'll be done in a few minutes," you told the customer giving him a small smile before heading over to give it to the other barista that was working with you.

"That dude better not have been staring at you," the barista said aloud and you rolled your eyes.

"Here Jimin," you told him, handing him the cup as you returned back to the cashier to take more orders. "Where else could he have looked if he couldn't stare at my face? You?" You scoffed.

Jimin was always like this and you didn't know why. "Uh yeah, he could've looked anywhere but your face," he murmured causing you to laugh.

"Jimin, you're doing it again. You're talking nonsense," you replied, emphasizing on the 'nonsense' to prove your point.

He didn't say anything, only giving you a scoff in return as he started making the green tea frappe.

He always got upset when some guy checked you out or even talked to you. You had merely thought he was just being an overprotective best friend and didn't want you to date anyone but sometimes it just got too out of hand.

It was currently half past noon and your shift was about to end very soon. Today it was only the two of you, and you weren't too happy that there weren't more employees.

Although, if there was only going to be one other employee with you, you were glad that it was Jimin. He was a very diligent worker and he also kept you company.

There was only one customer at the moment and he was sitting at a coffee table playing with his phone. Jimin finished making his drink and called out his name.

As he walked out of the building, drink in hand Jimin wiped his hands on his apron before walking over to you.

"No fair that your shift is ending soon, I deserve to get out the same time as you," he pouted, leaning on the counter and you couldn't help but suppress a smile.

"Sucks to be you then," you stuck out your tongue only for Jimin to frown at you. "Or maybe, I can just call it a day," Jimin smirked and you looked at him in bewilderment. "Uh no thanks, I don't want you coming over, I need my beauty sleep after all that hard work."

"Oh Y/N," Jimin laughed at your response, "you've been taking orders all day, and I was the one making the drinks."

"Yeah, getting people's orders are a lot of work you know," you said as Jimin shook his head and smiled.

"I think we should just call it a day," Jimin said out loud and you shrugged, "I guess we could."

You went to get damp towels to wipe down the tables as Jimin pushed in the chairs and went to mop the floor. 

As both of you were occupied with cleaning up the place you couldn't help but feel like Jimin kept glancing at you.

You lifted your head up to see his eyes meeting your own. "What're you staring?" You raised an eyebrow a little curious as to why he kept stealing glances at you.

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