#11: Jeon Jungkook

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A/N: These next upcoming imagines will be short! If you want to know why check out my author's note before this imagine. Warning this imagine is kind of an angst one because I couldn't resist. This imagine isn't very good, because I was rushing it so maybe in the future I'll rewrite this. Anyways this is inspired by a comment on Youtube lmao. But please listen to the song I put above while reading the part where he sings it! :)

Summary: It's been 3 months since you had broken up with Jungkook. You had started to feel empty without him like your whole life was falling apart. The 2 years you had spent together made you feel like the happiest person on Earth. But now that was long gone. You could never get it back. Until one day you receive a phone call.

It had been 3 months since you had broken up with Jungkook. When the two of you had started dating each other it seemed like such a silly thing to even break up with him.

You had never really thought that you were going to be the one who would break up with him. Sometimes you thought you weren't good enough for him.

But he had always reminded you that he couldn't have asked for anyone as perfect as you. You knew it was cliche of him to say that, but his words always melted your heart.

Ever since you had broken up with him there was still a part of you that wanted him back, and everything felt like it was broken, especially your heart.

You tried your hardest to forget about him, but it was physically and mentally impossible to do that. All you wanted was that feeling of happiness you felt when you were around him.

Even if 3 months had only passed and you hadn't seen him since, it broke your heart every time you thought about him.

Your mind would always somehow wander off and cause you to think about Jungkook. Breaking up with him was the biggest mistake you had ever made and you wished that you could take everything back.

On some days when you thought about him, you became frustrated and angry with yourself. How could you do this to yourself? Would it have made you feel a little better if he was the one who had broken up with you?

On other days you thought it was a whole dream. That the 2 years, you spent with him was just something that was made up in your head. But all the pictures you had with him assured you it wasn't.

Every single night the thoughts that always crossed your mind were always about him. 2 years, you had spent with him. How could you ever forget about the wonderful days you spent together? Most of all how could you forget about him?

The feeling of happiness he always made you feel whenever you were around him had long vanished. All you could feel now was the heartbreak and the effects of what it felt like to break up with someone.

Why had you broken up with him in the first place? It was because he was always so busy with his work he never had time to come home to you anymore.

No matter how long you waited, he never really came home. If he did come home you were away at work.

This became a habit and the both of you never had time to talk to each other anymore. It had started to feel like he wasn't even your boyfriend anymore, he was just a stranger.

Which was why one day, you decided to stop and talk to him. The "talk" you had with him turned into a major fight.

You had become so frustrated that he was being so stubborn and couldn't understand you also had to work so you decided it was best that you both part ways.

That was it for Jungkook. He packed his things and left. You had tried to call and text him to apologize but he never responded.

You thought it was best to give him time and then try to talk to him again. But after a couple days of not messaging him and then resuming to messaging him, he didn't respond.

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