#9: Min Yoongi

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A/N: This will include a mix of angst and fluff! So the entire thing won't be angst hehe, enjoy~~ Also so sorry that I haven't been updating as much, check my bio for why! Plus I got sick again bc of the horrible weather here so yeah, that's partly why I haven't been updating as much. I would really like to apologize, but I only have 4 days left of school yay. <3

Summary: Min Yoongi was the one boy you had fallen in love with. How many times had you fallen in love with him, you weren't sure. You loved him with everything you had and always wanted the best for him. But lately, you were noticing that he was being very distant. You knew Yoongi cared a lot about his work and you didn't want to bother him. It seemed like he was slowly starting to fade away from you like you were losing him.


You looked at the clock wondering how much longer it would take Yoongi to get home. He had texted you he would be coming home at 11:00 p.m. but the more you sat there, the more you knew he wasn't coming home.

Still having a little hope thinking Yoongi would be coming home, you sat there and waited. After much sitting around and staring at your phone, you looked at the clock which ticked 11:30.

Heaving a small sigh you checked your phone for what seemed like the millionth time to see if Yoongi had said anything else but no notification appeared.

This wasn't the first time he told you he had been coming home and later on messaged you he would be staying at his studio.

Deciding it was best to head to bed your phone suddenly vibrated.

Yoongi: Don't wait for me. I know you always wait for me to come home, but this time don't wait. I'm sorry, but I can't go home I have to stay and work at the studio, love you, goodnight.

Your heart dropped as you reread his text message. How many times was he going to focus on his work rather than you?

You didn't want to be selfish and stop him from spending his time to work so you replied trying to make it seem like you were fine with it.

You: Alright, goodnight, I love you too. Don't stay up too late. I know that you're very dedicated to working but your health is more important~

Disappointed that Yoongi wasn't coming home, you crawled into bed and tears welled in your eyes as you tried to blink multiple times to stop yourself from actually crying.

How many nights were you go to sleep, feeling empty that Yoongi wasn't beside you? You missed when he was always there to spend time with you and made you feel happy.

But all good things don't last forever, do they? You wiped the tears away, your heart feeling numb as you fell asleep without Yoongi's warm embrace beside you.

You wondered how long this relationship would last. It felt like even if Yoongi was right in front of you, you couldn't quite hold onto him.

Work always came first to him and trying hard not to stop him from going to work you had to let him go. He was very diligent, but it felt to you, work was the only thing he cared about nowadays.

Laying on the bed and staring at the empty space next to you, your heart dropped. You were now starting to miss his warm embrace and how he always snuggled into you when you slept with him.

Closing your eyes and trying very hard to fall asleep you just couldn't. No matter how tired you were you couldn't fall asleep knowing that Yoongi wasn't next to you.

"When will you come back Yoongs?" You murmured to yourself, feeling extremely tired but not wanting to fall asleep even though your body felt like giving up.

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