#20: Kim Namjoon

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Summary: To you, top grades and perfection was always the number one thing you strived for

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Summary: To you, top grades and perfection was always the number one thing you strived for. Throughout your years of school, you always had the perfect grades everyone wished for but that came crashing down when you met a person named Kim Namjoon. He was the one who was always in 1st place and you couldn't do anything to beat him no matter how hard you tried. That was until you and Namjoon had to work together and you began to realize this would either turn out to be a good thing or it would turn out to be a disaster.  


You had finally finished your last exam for the day and you were completely drained to the point where you could fall asleep anywhere.

"Ugh, I'm so tired," your friend complained next to you and you nodded in agreement, your eyes feeling heavy from the exhaustion.

"If we have any more exams this week, I'm dropping out," your friend groaned, as you both walked out of the school and the crisp windy air hit you in the face.

"Even though I think I did alright, I will too if we have anymore," you grumbled, the two of you heading to the coffee shop that was near your school.

The coffee shop was always crowded with students from your school, especially when everyone was finished with exams.

"I feel so worn out and stressed, I think I pretty much failed," your friend heaved a sigh, opening the door of the coffee shop and the fresh coffee aroma made you feel more at ease.

The last few weeks of school had made you stay up all night, cramming in so much studying and drinking so much coffee in order to stay awake just so you could beat the person you despised the most, Kim Namjoon.

He was the one who took 1st place right in front of you. No matter how hard you studied for the next test he would always get a higher grade than you.

He was known as the smartest student at your high school and even if he was smart he seemed like he had that bad boy vibe to him. So how was it possible for someone to be so smart but look like an arrogant and conceited guy?

You were also very well known in your high school, you were seen as someone who was popular for your exceedingly good grades and the competitor of Namjoon who would hopefully take his rank in the school.

As you looked around you heard students murmuring to each other and waving at you as you spotted a table in the corner near the window and quickly walked over to it, taking a seat. You placed your backpack on the chair next to you quietly waiting for your friend to order something for the both of you to eat and drink.

"I'm back," your friend said in a sing-song voice and you rolled your eyes. "You know if you want to be an idol you should just audition," you said nonchalantly, "You've been talking about auditioning for weeks and time is running out."

"You know, if you were the one auditioning as well you wouldn't be saying all this nonsense to me," your friend scoffed as you grabbed the sandwich she had ordered for you and your favorite drink.

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