#19: Kim Taehyung

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A/N: This imagine is going to be a little different than some of my other ones and just letting you know I'm not very good at writing imagines like the one you'll be reading heh. + This is probably not very good since I spent my whole day writing it but I hope you guys enjoy it anyway even though I think I made it extremely cringey. Also, I do NOT think Taehyung would act like this on a first date but this is an imagines book so I guess it's something different.

Summary: Ever since Kim Taehyung asked you out you had been thrilled to be finally dating the guy who you've always had a crush on. When he finally had the courage to take you out on a date you agree, but something's off about him. Instead of being the cute, adorable, funny guy you knew him as he was acting very different.


"So, you're telling me, Taehyung had the audacity to confess to you and a million years passed before he finally asked you out on a date?" Your friend asked, raising an eyebrow and scoffing at how unbelievably long it took Taehyung to ask you out on a date.

"Uh yeah," you said, looking down at the floor and rubbing the back of your neck sheepishly.

Throughout your high school years, you had always had a crush on Taehyung but it only ever seemed that he saw you as a good friend or at least that's what you thought.

But no matter how hard you tried to push away the feelings that you had for him it would always resurface every time he talked to you.

The things he did always made you feel like it was just a dream. His smile was what caught your attention the most and his adorable laugh that followed every time he made a joke or you did something funny.

Your friend had teased you many times about it in front of Taehyung but it never seemed like Taehyung understood the hint your friend kept on trying to make.

He would always act super confused and innocent of what was going on and at this point, your friend had given up.

Although, it took some time for Taehyung to confess, just because he was unsure if you liked him and he didn't want to ruin the friendship you two had.

But now that he had confessed to you and you happily agreed to saying you liked him back that had meant you guys were... dating now?

You weren't so sure about that, you were a person who liked to take things slow.

But nonetheless, you were absolutely ecstatic to finally be able to go on a date with the person you had a crush on for the longest time.

"Y/N? You there? You're literally going on a date with the crush you always fantasize about in a couple hours and you're still sitting here?" Your friend chuckled as you stood up and gave her a glare.

"I do not fantasize about him!" You snapped, your eyebrows furrowed in anger as your friend laughed and took your arm to lead you to your closet.

"Whatever you say Y/N," she teased as you smacked her arm. "OW! What was that for?!" She asked in bewilderment as she let go of your arm and opened your closet.

"That's what you get," you smirked as she browsed through all your clothes looking distasteful at the clothes hanging in your closet.

"Why isn't there anything fancy in here?" Your friend asked, frowning as she pulled out shirts and pants to see if they went along with each other.

"Uh need I remind you I don't go to parties or any fancy occasions that I need to dress up for," you murmured, regretting that you didn't have anything nice you could wear in front of Taehyung.

Of course, you wanted to impress Taehyung. It would only make sense that you looked nice on your first date. You also didn't want things to be extremely awkward on your first date with him but you couldn't help but feel extremely nervous as time kept on running.

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