#13: Kim Namjoon

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A/N: I haven't updated in forever but yay! I finally published a new one. Please don't think I've forgotten about this book because I haven't. I probably think about this book on a daily basis but I never have the time anymore now that school keeps giving me too much homework and tests. -_- Although maybe I can write more during Christmas break hehe so stay tuned for more imagines. Lastly, I just wanted to say that this imagine is really lame and it's poorly written near the end, I think my writing has gotten worse since I haven't done creative writing in so long. Maybe if I have the time I can try re-editing this. But for now, enjoy! Gotta blast, since I haven't done my homework yet.

Summary: You always enjoyed baking and giving it to your best friend, until he decides that it would be a good idea to bake with you. The both of you had a fun time even with the amount of laughter and mess the two of you made. You felt like you had one of the best days with Namjoon but something made it feel a little sweeter than just the cake you two were making.


Knock, knock, knock.

You knocked on the door of your best friend's house, scanning around the front porch as you saw a shiny white table with two chairs and a small flower pot in the middle, perfectly centered.

You stood there waiting for him to open the door still eyeing the pretty blue flower before you realized you had been standing there to stare at it for too long.

You had decided to bring some sweets that you made for him as a way to thank him for the last time he did you a favor. But as you stood there waiting patiently for your best friend to open the door you heaved a sigh.

You knew he was busy most of the time and he had a strict diet to follow, but you couldn't help and bring some treats he could eat once in a while.

After waiting for a couple more seconds you finally started to lose your patience. What was taking him so long? "Aish, why isn't he opening the door? Is he sleeping?"

"Yah Namjoon-ah," you yelled a little louder and pounded on the door. Just then the door swung open revealing a tired looking Namjoon who looked like he just woke up.

He yawned, ruffling his hair as you blinked at him completely embarrassed that he was just standing in his pj's with his hair not neatly done.

You were at loss of words before finally regaining the courage to speak and trying not to stare at his morning state.

"And to think that Yoongi would be the one sleeping at this hour. Hurry and go wash up, it's already noon. Anyways here, I made this for you," you shoved the basket of bakes in his hands and turned around to leave.

"Thanks Y/N," he said in his morning voice and you shook your head. How could he be sleeping at this hour?

"Yah just go wash up, you smell," you turned around and smirked at him. "Shut up, I do not," he denied, already about to close the door as you started to walk back to your car.

Later that afternoon you were lying around your apartment watching the tv when suddenly you heard a knock on your door.

"Who could that be?" You muttered to yourself as you stood up and walked past your small kitchen to open the door.

"Room service," a manly and deep voice said as you frowned to look at who it was. "I don't live in a hotel Namjoon," you groaned as you saw who it was.

He grinned at you showcasing his dimples that you always adored. "I was kidding, can't you take a joke?" He asked, his smile fading as he rolled his eyes, plopping himself on the couch.

"Anyways, why'd you come here?" You questioned a little curious as to why Namjoon randomly appeared at the front of your door.

He had finally decided to wear something much better than pj's and had put on something a little more formal.

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