#18: When you see BTS cry

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A/N: I hope you enjoyed the previous imagine and hope it didn't break your heart too much hehe. It sure broke mine every time I had to write about each member crying. I didn't plan on writing too much for each member but then I got a little carried away...

IMPORTANT MESSAGE, PLEASE READ!!!!! I won't be able to publish anything or be able to write next week because I have finals and I really need to study. But I definitely will start writing again once my semester is over. That's about it, thanks for reading haha.

Summary: Pt 2. of when 'bts see you cry' but it's the other way around. :)


Kim Seokjin ― The hate he kept getting was too much for him to handle.

You were currently sitting on the sofa with Jin right next to you on his phone. You were curious about what he was looking at that caused him to keep frowning but you decided not to question it.

He had been slightly distant lately and he wouldn't crack anymore dad jokes whenever he came home. It was starting to worry you and it felt like he wasn't himself anymore, like something made him change.

You decided to go back to watching (your favorite kdrama), yawning as Jin abruptly stood up and walked away. "Jin?" You looked away from the screen, turning your head to watch him walk away.

You frowned, he would always respond to you whenever you called his name. You knew something was definitely up and you were determined to find what was making him become so distant.

You noticed that he left his phone on the sofa and picked it up, unlocking his phone and seeing the hate comments all over Twitter. You gasped completely mortified that these so-called "fans" were leaving hate comments under his posts.

How could people ever hate a person like Jin? You were absolutely furious, but before you could do anything else you heard footsteps coming back.

You were about to put Jin's phone back to its original place when he came walking into the living room and saw you clutching his phone in your hands. His eyes widened and he froze as you slowly placed his phone down and got up, engulfing him in a hug.

At this point, he couldn't take it anymore and tears brimmed his eyes. "Don't believe those comments Jin. They're so low for leaving those hate comments on your posts. Please know I love you and so do the real fans," you murmured.

You had never really seen Jin cry before but the sight of your boyfriend crying because of the harsh comments broke your heart.

You couldn't believe people had the audacity to leave sick comments on a person who always showed love to their fans.

"Y/N I-I-I cant-" Jin heaved out, tears streaming down his face. "Hey it's okay," you said quietly wiping his tears away and placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Please, please don't cry, I hate seeing you cry. You should focus on the comments that make you feel brighter and happier not the ones that make you feel this way. You're my one and only Jin, you're extremely talented and the people who said that you aren't don't know what they're talking about. They're just jealous that you have more talent than them. So please try not to focus on the negative comments and don't think you aren't good enough because you are."

"I love you so much Y/N, thank you," he spoke, as he wiped away the remaining tears on his face.

"Of course Jin. I'm always here for you, you should know that," you smiled as he leaned in giving you a gentle, quick kiss before pulling away.

As you looked at him you couldn't help but suppress a giggle, his eyes were red and puffy and his cheeks were bright pink due to crying. "What's so funny Y/N?" He asked his eyebrows raised in confusion.

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