#16: Christmas special with BTS

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A/N: Merry Christmas everyone!! ❤️💚 I hope you guys had/are having a wonderful Christmas (if you celebrate it) I wanted to write a cute Christmas imagine with all of the boys but I feel like it became boring. Also I'm still writing my imagines for the new series. I was planning to finish writing it but at the last minute I wanted to add a Christmas special. I think it could've been better but I had to write something short since this was sort of last minute haha. So i'm sorry if this isn't very good.

Summary: A Christmas special with our 7 lovely boys and you!


You were currently in the living room with 4 of the boys as Christmas music filled the room.

Jimin and Jungkook were busy dancing to the music and laughing about something stupid Taehyung said while you and Jin were putting up the Christmas tree.

"Aren't you guys suppose to be helping?" You said loudly, trying to speak over the music as you straightened the stems of the tree.

"We'll help but.." Jungkook started and didn't end up finishing his sentence as he was too busy laughing at Jimin.

"Idiots," Jin mumbled. "Excuse me?!" The maknae line stopped dancing making you roll your eyes.

"Can someone help me put up the star?" You asked trying to place the star on top of the Christmas tree but with no such luck.

"Sure Y/N," Jimin said taking the star out of your hands before Jungkook and Taehyung started snickering in the background.

"Aren't you a little too short to do that hyung?" Jungkook laughed, followed by Taehyung's laugh too.

You burst out laughing as well even though you felt bad for Jimin as he charged towards Jungkook.

"Yah you punk!" Jimin exclaimed, looking upset. "I'm just kidding hyung, can't you take a joke?"

"This kid I swear," Jimin huffed, placing the star on the top and giving a triumphant look to Jungkook.

"See, I'm not that short." Jin stood there, shaking his head used to the scene of Jungkook making fun of Jimin's height and Jimin getting upset.

"Taehyung can you hang the ornaments with me?" You told him changing the subject and letting Jungkook and Jimin bicker.

You gave him a few red sparkly ornaments as he looked around for a good spot to hang it on.

"You know what this needs?" Jin started, making Jungkook and Jimin look up from their phones.

"What hyung?" Jimin asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"Don't say it," Jungkook groaned in advance.

"A picture of my face," Jin laughed causing everyone to groan as well.

"Why on earth would we want to stare at your face every time we look at the Christmas tree?" Yoongi said, walking into the living room as the maknae line burst out laughing.

Jin rolled his eyes, ignoring Yoongi's comment before proceeding to hang up more ornaments.

"Where's Namjoon and Hoseok?" You asked Jin trying extremely hard to hold back your laughter. "They said they were getting wrapping paper but I have no idea what's taking them so long."

"They probably got lost on the way," Taehyung snickered. "Or maybe Namjoon gave out the wrong directions," you thought.

"Or Namjoon dropped his money somewhere," Jungkook said causing everyone to laugh and agree.

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