#12: Kim Seokjin

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A/N: I sincerely apologize for not updating. It's because I've been lacking motivation lately and I feel like no one really enjoys the imagines I write but I still love writing bts imagines so I want to keep writing. Although school is starting tomorrow so I don't know how many imagines I will be able to publish. Anyways I hope this update is a little something to make up for not publishing anything. I hope you enjoy it even though it's a little short~~~

ALSO if you have an insta please follow me on @/peachjjeon because I'm more active on there and it's my fan acc!

Summary: This is going to be a short fluffy imagine so I can't really make a good summary out of it! But what I will tell you is that the gif is somehow related to the story. :)


Your eyes fluttered open as you heard another low growl coming from your stomach. "Ugh," you groaned in agitation, moving your hands to clutch your stomach only to feel another arm already wrapped around it.

Your eyes widened and your heart pace quickened only to realize that it was just your boyfriend. You silently cursed at yourself for being so stupid for not instantly recognizing that it was just Jin who was sleeping next to you.

The things that sleep had down to your brain. You heard another low growl coming from your stomach and your mind instantly thought about food.

You looked at the time which had read 12:38 a.m. Apparently you had not eaten enough food to feel full which caused you to wake up all of a sudden.

You attempted to gently lift Jin's arm in a hurry to go to the kitchen and find something quick to eat. But as you lifted his arm in mid air he started to stir and you quickly but gently dropped it hoping he wouldn't wake up.

You stood there for another few seconds just to make sure you hadn't actually woken up Jin and when he seemed like he was in a deep slumber you tiptoed out of the door only to walk into a table.

Cursing to yourself and rubbing your knee which was now starting to hurt you instantly whipped your head around to see if you had woken Jin up.

Thankfully you didn't and you silently facepalmed yourself for being so clumsy and opened the door so you wouldn't knock anything down or disturb him any further.

You quietly tiptoed into the kitchen placing your hand on the wall to find the light switch with no such luck, you frowned as you heard something knock over which caused you to jump and heart to beat faster.

But you realized it was only the a cup that you had knocked over and nearly broken, you heaved a small sigh. Why did you have to be so clumsy?! All you wanted was food.

At the mention of food your stomach started to growl, you slightly groaned in frustration as you kept on searching for the lights in hopes that Jin was still sleeping even with all the noise you were causing.

Finally your hand found the switch and immediately turned it on, you squinted from the fluorescent lights that were shining onto your face.

Rubbing your eyes you tried to adjust to the bright lit room that was causing you to squint. After a few seconds later your eyes finally could focus on your surroundings and you immediately went for the fridge.

Dating Jin for so long had now started to cause you to eat more than you ever intended to and your dates were mostly filled with food and more food.

You didn't mind though as both of you were foodies and you enjoyed eating with Jin and just having causal talks with him. At least you didn't have to worry about Jin not eating enough, and watching him eat made you smile.

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