"I'm also here for Aslan"

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Last day of school today before our short spring break. I should be excited right now, I am, but not because of more-Netflix-than-school kind of excitement. Its more like trying-to-get-back-my-peace excited. And I'm relying all that on the Hammer.

I don't want to use Happy to get into Hammer's house anymore, I want invitation. Ashton Hammer. I want to talk to him but there's still no sign of him anywhere.

I stood patiently against my locker sacrificing my lunch for a boy. Such a bad idea, I can't believe I'm doing this right now.

"Hey," I jump from the light touch on my arm, in this busy hallway. I could barely heard the greeting.

"Hey" I say back to the tall boy with... you guessed it, in his usual varsity jacket. It's the man himself William Mayne.

"Want to go lunch together?" He offered. Shit, I remember that I completely ignored his text, now I feel bad. I should make it up to him.

Fred reached out to me this morning, he told me that Ashton is in class. Today is the last day of school, this is my only chance.

"I'm kinda busy right now" I gave him an apologetic smile. "I see you after school, alright?" I shouldn't make all this promises if I'm not really going to do it, but He gave me a nod and walk his way to the cafeteria.

Different faces passed me by but none of them is the person I'm actually waiting for. When there's 5 minutes left of lunch I decided to give up and treat myself with some hotdog.

When I reach the cafeteria, it was still packed. Saw William in the big table with his pal, Fred sitting alone at the corner because he's a loser himself, and Fiona look so left out next to Aria who's engaged in a conversation with the other bunch of girls. Fiona flash a weird smile after she saw me, which I figured it means nothing because she's weird in general.

I decide to work my way with my meal toward the lonely Freddie. I have no other option, other are full even if it's like three minutes left till bell.

"Hey-" he started.

"Shut up" I sat down devouring the soft creation. I don't want to talk right now, though I want to asked him about Ashton.

"Are you okay?" He asked, leaning foward trying to see my face.

I felt like I've got hit by a deja vu.

"Why are you keep asking me that?" I snapped, but he's the only one ever asked about that kind of thing. I'm not okay, if he asked me one more time I would yelled that a dead girl is fucking with me right to his face.

"I... I don't know" he shrugged.

Loud clattering sounds from my left, the whole cafeteria goes silent, as the eyes panning to the source of sound. Eventually everything goes back to normal, everyone carry on with their conversation and meal. But me, my eyes stayed watching Ashton retrieving his stuff from the floor into a medium size box packing his whole things up. He was here the whole time.

I raised from my seat approaching the boy, before I could, I bump into someone AGAIN. It didn't knock me off like the last time because I was able to catch on this person arm, who actually belongs to none other than Willam himself.

Coincidence? I think not.

"Easy there" he said, I still had my eyes focused on Ashton, I'm afraid if I ever lays my eyes off him he might vanishes to the abyss and I'll never find him again. I can sense william eyes followed mine.

"I need to go" I said softly, pushing his hand off my arm that basically keep me from falling like the last time, but he hold it tighter.

"Where?" He asked, That only irritates me.

"I'm kind of busy, please" I whispered yelling, trying not to get all the attention on us.

"I've noticed you've been distant lately, what is it? What's wrong?"

What does he mean distant lately? I've always been avoiding him.

He grab onto my arm tighter as I tried to break through. He pulled me out from the busy part of the building, I realize it pointless me fighting against him, so I let him lead me to the empty hallway.

I close my eyes, clenching my teeth together, I do all it takes not to yell at him right now. "Get off of me William, please"

"You've been ignoring my text, missed your history class, as if you don't want to see my face anymore, why?! Something is definitely up" He yelled, I never seen him this demanding, but yeah there's two sides of people.

"You know why? Maybe if you don't stalk me, I'll tell you" I snapped. "Twice William, TWICE!! The same person bump into me. And it's you. I just want you to leave me alone. Maybe I really don't want you around" as soon as the words leave out of my mouth his face show the most hurtful he ever been. I felt a pangs of guilt wash over me but he's being stubborn so he deserves it.

No, he don't deserve that.

I pull my hand to myself, expecting him to let it go, but instead he engulfed me with a big hug, I squirm under his body, and froze as soon after he whispered "I'm also here for Aslan"


A/N WHAT? Anybody surprised or was it that obvious, vote and comment what you think of this short chapter. Thank you for reading.

Manuscript by Astrid (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now